Boneo Buzz: 25th October
Dear Parents and Carers,
Student agency and voice refer to empowering students to take an active role in their learning by allowing them to make choices, express their ideas, and influence the direction of their education. It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, encouraging students to be more engaged, motivated, and invested in their learning outcomes. When students have a voice, they feel valued, which promotes confidence and creativity, and cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. On our upcoming Curriculum Day, staff will be actively involved in planning through the lens of student voice and agency as part of our Instructional Model.
World Teacher’s Day
In honour of World Teachers’ Day today, we celebrate the incredible dedication, passion and impact that our teachers bring to the classroom every day. Our educators go above and beyond to inspire curiosity, foster growth, and guide students toward their full potential. Today, we express our deepest gratitude for their unwavering commitment to shaping the future through education.
We wish to acknowledge the wonderful work of our Boneo teaching team. Their professionalism, commitment and support of our students is to be commended.
Thank you from the Boneo PS Community.
School Uniform
We are proud to cultivate an environment that promotes both academic achievement and personal growth, whilst also fostering a strong sense of community and belonging. By wearing a school uniform, students represent their school community and uphold its values, developing a sense of pride and responsibility. We appreciate your support in encouraging your child/ren to wear the correct school uniform. We also kindly request your support in reiterating to your child/ren the importance of wearing their school hat. This is essential for their safety and protection from the sun’s harmful rays.
We have several uniform items in lost property, and I invite you to please come and have a look for anything that may belong to your child/ren.
Oaks Day 2024
Oaks Day preparations are now in full swing. Ticket sales are flying, so please ensure you make contact with the office if you are interested in attending. Numbers will need to be confirmed with the venue by Friday 1st November.
The continued success of this major fundraising event is testament to our incredibly generous extended community. The event is supported by a far reaching range of community stakeholders and we are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.
A very special thank you to our local business community for their continued support of our school. We have acknowledged some of these businesses below.

Snapshot of Learning
Grade Four Camp – Golden Valleys
Golden Valleys Grade 4 Camp Recount – Katie-Anne
Camp for me was about bravery and encouragement. At Grade Four camp, I climbed to the top of a towering rock wall, swung on the 18 meter tall giant swing, and nearly got a bullseye in archery! All these activities would be nearly impossible to do without the encouragement from all my friends and teachers.
Giant Swing
The giant swing was no doubt my favorite activity at camp. Words can’t describe how it felt to hear the ‘3, 2, 1’ and then basically fly! As I was walking up the steps and being clipped into the swing, I suddenly felt this mixture of anxiousness and excitement! As I was grappling onto the rope with all my strength, it felt like the clouds were lifting me up into space. I was rethinking my choices and partly regretting my life decisions but then realized this swing can hold up 11 elephants, so I was definitely safe.
Rock Wall
The rock wall was very frightening, but also exciting! While getting my harness clipped on, I had so many mixed emotions, mainly nervous. As my foot pushed up on the first rock, I gripped on with all my strength! As I was getting close to halfway, I stopped for a second and looked down, my heart started racing like crazy! Taking another step, I reached the top! As I turned around for a photo, I started shaking really bad. But when I was getting down, I had a sigh of relief. Overall it was definitely terrifying but really fun!
All these activities were so entertaining and interesting, I would’ve never done them without the encouragement of my friends. Best experience ever!
Golden Valley Camp was really fun and also scary! One of the things I liked was the GIANT SWING. I was really worried about going to the top of the GIANT SWING but then my friends encouraged me to go all the way to the top. I was glad I went to the top because it was totally AWESOME!
And I also liked ARCHERY because we had to aim for the YELLOW bullseye which was in the middle of the dart board. Sadly, I didn’t get a bullseye but I did get a BLUE which was the third hardest to get.
Golden Valleys Grade 4 Camp Recount – Dylan
Camp for me was about being supportive. During Grade Four camp at Golden Valleys, I was challenged to go to the top of the giant swing standing at an astounding 17 m! I was scared, but I did it with all help from my peers supporting me from down below. So today I will tell you all about Golden Valleys Grade Four camp.
The giant swing was all about teamwork and trust. First, you get your harness on, then you go up a ladder and you are harnessed to a rope that can hold three full grown elephants, so it’s very, very safe and strong. You then jump off the ladder and your peers grab a rope and pull it as hard as they can, until you say stop or say keep going if you want to go to the top like I did. At the top it’s a breathtaking view. The staff says 3, 2, 1, DROP!!!! Down you go, woooooooosh, it takes the breath out of you, but the view is spectacular when you really take it in. Slowly, you carefully come down and when you get off you feel really proud of yourself because if you are scared of heights you feel like you accomplished something big or you have finally faced your biggest fear.
So as you can see the giant swing is scary but when you do it you will love it and you will be so proud of yourself. So if you want to enjoy the beautiful ride go to GOLDEN VALLEYS IN FLINDERS.
Golden Valley Camp – Jordy 4A
Last week all the Grade fours went to Golden Valleys Camp for 2 days and 1 night from the 16th of October to the 18th. Camp for me was about being with my friends and doing fun activities, facing my fears and being courageous, like on the rock wall! I only got halfway but the next turn, I got to face my fears and went to the top. It was the same with the giant swing! At first, I was scared but I still went to the top.
There will be more photos in next week’s Boneo Buzz!


Regional Athletics

Year One Science Incursion

HPV Casey Fields
Tuesday 29th October
Students will leave BPS at 8:45am and return to school at 5:30pm
Prep Transition Session 2
Wednesday 30th October
9am – 10:30am
Curriculum Day
Monday 4th November
Students are not required at school on this day. TheirCare will be in operation.
Public Holiday
Tuesday 5th November
Prep Transition Session 3
Wednesday 6th November
9am – 10:30am
District Rugby Gala
Wednesday 6th November
Select Year Five and Six students
Regional Softball
Thursday 7th November
Good luck to our Softball Team!
Oaks Day
Thursday 7th November
Luncheon at The National Golf Club. Purchase your tickets at the office as soon as possible.
Year 5 Urban Camp
Tuesday 12th November to Friday 15th November
Year Five Urban Camp
Community News