We are committed to a school climate of genuine positive wellbeing for all, as we know that we achieve better results when we feel welcomed, supported, safe and cared about.

At Boneo Primary School, we believe that students and staff will teach and learn in a safe and positive environment. We also believe that student wellbeing and learning are deeply interwoven and that student wellbeing is the responsibility of all members of our school community.

We offer a positive, safe and supportive school environment so that each child can reach their personal best.  We take a whole school approach to wellbeing with our Positive Behaviours protocols and expectations, and through the implementation of the Berry Street Education Model across all year levels. Our approach is preventative and proactive, and is supported through Restorative Practices.

“The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) provides strategies for teaching and learning that enables teachers to increase engagement of students with complex, unmet learning needs and to successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, relationships, wellbeing, growth and academic achievement.

Our pedagogical strategies incorporate trauma-informed teaching, positive education, and wellbeing practices.” – Berry Street Education Model



Many of our funded students who are on the autism spectrum have the opportunity to access Applied Behaviour Analysis therapy. This opportunity is provided by the Light Up Autism Foundation and we have a close working relationship with this not for profit organisation.

Many of our educational support staff are trained in the delivery of ABA with the program being written by a skilled psychologist from Light Up Autism. We are very fortunate to be able to offer this program to support our students.



At Boneo we have developed a Buddy program to join our older students with our Prep students.

The purpose of a Buddy program is to provide social and support networks for new Prep students, by promoting a sense of community and belonging within the school.

Our Buddy program develops relationships between the younger and older children, enhancing the sense of a friendly and supportive school community. The benefits of a buddy system are twofold – the older children learn to take on responsibility and acknowledge their leadership, while the younger children know that they have a fellow student they can confidently turn to for support.

Our senior students begin to look after their little buddies before school even begins. They meet and exchange letters and pictures prior to commencing school, and are present from day one for support and reassurance.

Our Buddy classes meet once a fortnight for activities including games and sport, shared reading, visits to our Wetlands and computer lab. Regular collaboration between our buddy classes creates a sense of whole-school community. The friendships developed enable both older and younger buddies to bond more closely with their school, increasing the likelihood of more positive school behaviour for all students.



 Boneo Primary School ensures a positive working relationship with external and departmental para-professionals including Psychologists, Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists to support our students and their families. Visiting teachers are allocated to students requiring extra support upon application when medical conditions present.

Together, we ensure programs being arranged are supportive and promote both emotional and academic growth.

School Chaplain

We also have a School Chaplain who attends our school two days a week working with students and their families to help support their wellbeing needs. Referrals are arranged through our school.

School Nurse

The department provides us with a school nurse who is able to see all prep students upon school entry for a preliminary health assessment. This screening is important for us to best meet the needs of our students.



A great relationship is about appreciating similarities and respecting differences.

Respect yourself, respect others and be responsible for what you say and do!

Following the Royal Commission into Family Violence in 2015, the Victorian Government mandated the teaching of Respectful Relationships education in all Victorian schools. Boneo Primary School is a partner in this initiative and as a Lead School, we are working closely with schools in our network to help support the implementation of Respectful Relationships within our school community.

The initiative aims to:

  • Promote respectful relationships across the whole school community
  • Teach equality and support students to build healthy and respectful relationships
  • Foster a resilient mindset in children and support children to be able to face challenging situations by developing problem solving skills, confidence and resilience
  • Support schools, students and the wider school community to promote and model respect, positive social attitudes and behaviours.

Further information can be found at:



From a research perspective, the SAKG program increases student engagement and confidence and provides greater opportunities for experiential and integrated learning. It also builds teamwork and develops students’ capacity for building social skills and connections.

Further, it increases students’ willingness to try new foods, improves healthy eating choices and advances students’ kitchen skills, such that they are more likely to be preparing food independently at home. We encourage parent volunteers, which increasingly strengthens community ties and involvement.

All of our students have the opportunity to prepare food obtained from our Garden using our outdoor cooking facilities, which include ovens and large preparation areas. We teach our students about seed to table cooking for increased understanding about sustainability and positive practices.