Boneo Buzz: 23rd August

Dear Parents and Carers,

The theme “Reading is Magic” truly came to life with our students showcasing their creativity, enthusiasm, and love for reading today.  The excitement around reading was palpable, and we hope this enthusiasm continues as we nurture a lifelong love for books. We were also very excited to have author and past staff member, Sheila Knaggs, visit our students and share her soon-to-be published book – Fairy Beach. It was a great opportunity for our students to hear of Sheila’s journey to becoming a published author.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated and made this Book Week so memorable. Let’s keep the magic of reading alive all year round!


We recently received the comparison of our NAPLAN results to the State, which I am pleased to share with you. The information below shows the proportion of our students who achieved STRONG or EXCELLING in the proficiency levels and how we compare to similar schools, schools within our Network and schools across the state. We are proud of our results, which is reflective of the work being done at Boneo Primary School. We were above the state in all areas in year 3, and Numeracy and Grammar and Punctuation for year 5. These results are credit to the work and professional learning we have done in the last couple of years. Our reading, writing and spelling results in year 5 are improving, however this will continue to be a priority for school improvement. If you would like further information on the NAPLAN results, please feel free to contact me.


Vegetables for sale

Our amazing Year 6 gardening group will be running a market next Thursday at 3pm – 3:30pm over in the Outdoor Kitchen. The students are going to sell fresh produce and will also have a pesto pasta they have created using ingredients from our garden! A reminder that purchases are cash only.


Where is that school hat? SunSmart Reminder 

Hats are recommended when the UV rating is 3 or above, so it is time to prepare for wearing a school hat to school every day. From Thursday 1st September our school hat should always be worn when students are outside, when at school.

Snapshot of Learning

Book Week 

Buddy Maths

 This week, 6A and Prep B have been working together on a range of Maths activities and games. We’ve worked collaboratively on the ‘How far can you jump?’ task, and the Year 6 students enjoyed planning a treasure hunt for the Preps. This task focussed on using directional language.

We learnt the strategy game ‘Taking Teddies’ together, and enjoyed learning to play the ‘Roller Coaster Game’ using addition and subtraction skills.

We’ve had a great week, and love working together with our little buddies.


Snow Sports Camp

Sunday 25th August – Friday 30th August

Year 6 Quantum Victoria

Monday 26th August

Students need to be at school early for a 7.45am departure. 

Year 1 Library Visit

Wednesday 28th August

Father's Day/Special Person Stall

Thursday 29th August

Volunteers invited to assist with the stall. Please contact the office if you are available.

Finding Nemo Production

Thursday 5th September

Compass consent and payment due

Monday 2nd September

Year 1 & 2 Swimming Program

Monday 9th – Friday 13th September

Compass consent and payment due Friday 30th August

District Athletics

Friday 13th September

Selected Year 4, 5 & 6 students

Compass consent and payment due Friday 6th September

Trivia Night

Saturday 14th September

6.45pm for a 7pm start

See flyer above for more information

Prep and Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program

Monday 16th – Friday 20th September

Compass consent and payment due Friday 6th September

Boneo Footy Day

Friday 20th September

Students are invited to dress in their club colours

End of Term 3

Friday 20th September

Early dismissal at 2.15pm

Boneo Community Market

Saturday 21st September

Please volunteer via Compass booking

Community News