Boneo Buzz: 19th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 3. I want to take this opportunity to emphasise the significance of this term in accelerating our students’ learning and growth. Term 3 marks a crucial period of learning for our students so I encourage you to attend the upcoming Student Led Conferences. 

Student Led Conferences: Empowering Our Learners

Student Led Conferences provide a unique opportunity for our learners to actively participate in discussions with you, their parents/carers, and our dedicated teachers, regarding their progress and achievements. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of their learning experiences, goals, and future learning goals.

During these conferences, students will be showcasing their chosen learning and achievements, reflecting on their progress, and setting targets for their future development. This collaborative approach strengthens the partnership between parents, teachers, and students, enabling a supportive environment for student success.

Bookings for Student Led Conferences are open on COMPASS. Please contact the office if you need support with booking a time.


Next week we will be posting 2024 NAPLAN Student Reports for our Year 3 and Year 5 students who participated in NAPLAN.


This year, Book Week is from Saturday, 17 August to Friday, 23 August. A much-loved event is our Book Week Dress up day, which will be held at assembly on Friday 23rd August. Whilst we have a little bit of time up our sleeve, I know families appreciate time to prepare.


Congratulations to the following staff who returned to school after the break engaged; Megan L, Pat S, Taylah and Grace S.  We wish them and their partners all the best for this exciting next chapter in their lives.

Snapshot of Learning

Kitchen and Garden Program

Boneo’s Kitchen and Garden program breathed life into a charming scarecrow crafted from materials generously contributed by the students, aiming to protect our produce from hungry prey!

Kitchen and Garden Lunch Club

Old scratched CDs that the op shop couldn’t sell have found a new purpose in our garden, serving as an effective bird deterrent. Their reflective surfaces create a stunning visual effect!

Additionally, coffee grounds have been utilized to protect our seedlings from snails and slugs. The children have spread them around the plants, taking advantage of this natural method that these critters avoid walking on.

Furthermore, we kindly ask parents to contribute their used eggshells. If you could please rinse them, put them in a bag and drop them in the veggie garden, the students will then crush them and scatter them throughout the garden. This simple practice also helps deter snails, who similarly avoid crossing them. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!



Student Led Conferences

Tuesday 30th – Wednesday 31st July

Bookings can be made on Compass

Year 2 Forces Incursion

Tuesday 23rd July

Please see Compass for more details

Prep Willum Warrain Indigenous Centre

Monday 29th July

All Prep students

Please see Compass for more details

Community News