Boneo Buzz: Thursday 9th December

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can hardly believe that we are coming to the end of the 2021 school year. What a year it has been!

This week, students and staff have been abuzz with excitement and anticipation as we embrace our final celebrations with the children.

As a school community, we have embraced the challenges 2021 has thrown at us and completed an extremely successful four year School Review. I am excited to share that our 2021 School Performance Report is outstanding. We have dramatically improved our performance in all domains from Transform in 2019 to Influence in 2021. Attached to this Compass post is a report that explains the DET differentiated evaluation and our 2021 results. We have so much to celebrate and it is clear that our school performance is absolutely a community achievement. We all worked tirelessly to keep our children learning either remotely or onsite.  Congratulations everyone!

Step up Day Monday 13th December

Students will have an opportunity to meet their 2022 teacher and classmates.

Year 6 Graduation Tuesday 14th December

Our Year 6 students are now extremely excited by the prospect of a graduation ceremony with family members in attendance and their special rite of passage live streamed to family at home. Our Year 6 Graduation will be at the Rosebud Memorial Hall, live streaming via our Facebook account.

2022 Student Leadership

Over the last two days, I have been supporting the current Year 6 School Leaders to interview and select the 2022 Year 6 Leadership team. It has been a privilege to witness the dedication and sincerity in which our current leaders perform this task.

All students perceive themselves as leaders and have the opportunity and confidence to take on leadership roles. Student leadership roles challenge individuals to develop a sense of vision and purpose as they take on responsibilities and use decision making skills in order to carry a project through to a successful conclusion. We look forward to announcing all 2022 leaders in next week’s Buzz. The children will be acknowledged at our final Assembly on Friday 17th December at 1pm. Due to restrictions, this assembly will be outside on the basketball court.

End of Year Reports

All student reports will go live via COMPASS on Thursday 16th December at 4pm. 

Staffing Update

Sheila Knaggs will be leaving Boneo at the end of the year. We are excited to announce that Sheila has her first picture story book being published in 2023 and is keen to pursue her writing career. We look forward to inviting Sheila to Book Week as a celebrated author. Sheila is a much-loved staff member and we wish her every success as she embarks on her new adventure. I want to thank Sheila for her dedication and personal approach when supporting our students.

Jen Scott has requested additional leave and we are in the final stages of securing a new teacher for Year 3.

A Very Big Thank You

We wish to acknowledge the amazing support our community has provided over the last week.

We had many volunteers join us on Friday afternoon for our working bee. We had a very productive afternoon, managing to tick off many of the jobs on the to-do list.

To the Presutti, Stephens, Robertson, Skinner and Reid families and the Boneo staff who gave their time, we are incredibly grateful for your support.

The vegetable garden has been tamed, garden beds weeded and pruned. Our outdoor kitchen cleaned and ready to go. All of the cooking equipment has been moved from the hall and sorted in preparation for the return of our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Cooking Program next year.

We wish to acknowledge the Reid Family for their very generous donation of storage containers for this equipment. It will certainly make for a more user friendly cooking experience.

Also, to the Richmond Family who assisted with the huge task of clearing the Music / Multi- purpose room last week in readiness for the laying of new carpet. It was an overwhelming task made very manageable with your assistance.

We look forward to the return of community activities next year.

Snapshot of Learning

Year 4 ‘The Ranch’ Excursion

Year 3 – Somers Camp Excursion


Christmas Concert

Thursday 9th December

Via Zoom


Curriculum Day

Friday 10th December

Student Free Day


2022 Step-up Day

Monday 13th December


Year 6 Graduation

Tuesday 14th December

See event details communicated via Compass

Prep -Boneo Discovery Park

Wednesday 15th December

Consent/payment due on Compass by 10/12


Year 1 -Boneo Discovery Park

Thursday 16th December

Consent/payment due on Compass by 10/12


Last Day of School

Friday 17th December

Early Dismissal 1.15pm


Boneo Market

Saturday 18th December

Volunteers required for Car Parking.

Please contact the office if you are able to assist


Boneo Market

Saturday 18th December

Volunteers required for Car Parking.

Please contact the office if you are able to assist


School Returns for 2022

Monday 31st January

All Year Levels


Community News