Boneo Buzz: 6th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement as we embark on the final term of 2023.

Infrastructure Upgrade: We are thrilled to announce that the Department of Education and Training (DET) has approved the total upgrade of our septic system. This project is a significant step towards enhancing the overall infrastructure of our school and ensuring a more sustainable and efficient environment for all. Weather permitting, we anticipate the completion of this upgrade by next Tuesday.

Term 4 Highlights: Term 4 is always a special time at Boneo, filled with exciting events and activities. Here are some highlights to look forward to:

Prep Orientation: We extend a warm welcome to our 2024 Preps as they embark on their educational journey with us. Orientation activities will help them become familiar with our school, staff, and their fellow classmates. Orientation begins next Wednesday from 9am until 11am.

Celebrating the Graduating Class of 2023: This term is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements and growth of our graduating class of 2023. We look forward to honouring their hard work and dedication as they prepare to move on to secondary school.

Kitchen Garden Program Update: Our Kitchen Garden Program continues to thrive, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting initiative. We are seeking volunteers to support our classes in harvesting and cooking in our outdoor kitchen. This hands-on experience not only enriches our students’ education but also fosters a deeper connection to the natural world.

How to Volunteer: Families interested in volunteering can access the Google Doc via the link provided through a COMPASS notification. This document will allow you to sign up for volunteering opportunities throughout the term, whether it’s in the kitchen or garden. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and it’s a fantastic way to engage with our school community.

We are excited about the possibilities that this term holds for our students and families. As always, we are committed to providing the best educational experience for our students, and your support makes it all possible.

Let’s make the final term of 2023 a memorable one!

Boneo Minecraft Parent Information

At our school, Minecraft Education Edition is used to engage students in game-based learning across the curriculum. It is an educational platform that inspires creative, inclusive learning through play. Students can explore blocky words that unlock new ways to take on any subject or challenge.

Kieran our ‘STEM Wizard’ uses Minecraft at Wooranna Park Primary School:

Across the school, navigating Minecraft Education this year has significantly improved students’ digital literacy. Some of the activities they have engaged in include:

  • Coding challenges, programming hundreds of different lessons. A highlight was the Year 2 challenge to ‘escape the mansion’. 
  • Engineering automatic doors or security doors with ‘redstone’, a wire to engineer in-game machines and circuits
  • Year 5 & 6 collaborative city planning including pixel art features
  • Year 4 students developed their network engineering skills by building firewalls to protect their house
  • Designing an animal sanctuary to protect and take care of endangered animals
  • Year 3 engineering roller coasters to use with our new Virtual Reality Oculus headsets. 
  • If you’d like to learn more or engage your children in Minecraft at home, please see Miss Scandizzo or Kieran. 

Boneo Community Garden

During the Spring holidays, a dedicated team of Boneo community members (parents, staff & children) came in with their gardening tools and collective spirit, to give back to the garden.

These people weeded, watered, planted, and gathered fresh produce some to store for upcoming sale at the market or for inclusion in the recipes, cooked in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program.

A variety of seeds (generously donated by Transition Farm) were also planted in seed raising mix (gifted by Glenview nursery) that will later be transplanted when thriving seedlings.

Children were excited to harvest during the working bee to prevent some of our plants going to seed. Our bounty included a vast number of sweet, crunchy heirloom burgundy beans and other crip snow and sugar snaps. Broccoli and cauliflowers in vivid purples and salad greens.

The proceeds of the produce sales made at the recent September Boneo Market will be invested back into the garden program. Another limited harvest of heirloom produce will be available at the upcoming October Boneo Market, all items are $2 per portion.

Many thanks to the community members who are helping to grow our vison.

If you would like to participate in the program, including volunteering in the garden, please contact either the Working Team, Mrs Sykes ( or the office.

Oaks Day

Oaks Day preparations are now in full swing. Ticket sales are flying, so please ensure you make contact with the office if you are interested in attending.

The continued success of this major fundraising event is testament to our incredibly generous extended community. The event is supported by a far reaching range of community stakeholders and we are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.

Our stunning promotional material has again been provided by Natalee Chiodo of ‘KDM Creative’ . Her stunning designs truly set the theme for our gorgeous event and we thank Natalee for jumping onboard for another year.

We are currently sourcing donations for the event. Majority of funds raised on the day are through auctions and raffles and our local business community have always been outstanding contribution to our school. If you are a business owner and would like to offer a sponsorship, or a parent willing to assist in sourcing donations, please contact the school office.

We are thrilled to announce that Annette Sanfilippo and Vanessa Harlem will be returning for this year’s event.

Make up artist Vanessa (@vanessaharlemmakeupartist), will again be providing our beauty station on the day, sharing her expert tips and advice and ensuring our guests look and feel amazing. We are very spoilt to have the services of such an accomplished make up artist at our event. A huge thank you to Vanessa for her incredible generosity.

‘Milliner Girl’ Annette (@annettesanfilippomillineryart)  is a renowned millinery artist with years of experience in the fashion industry, having worked with many industry leaders. Annette will be coordinating our ‘Fashions on the Field’ and offering her styling mastery. Annette has the most amazing collection of headpieces, if you are still searching for the perfect Oaks Day piece.

 School Fun Run

We are six weeks out from our School Fun Run! We hope students are working hard towards their fundraising goals! 

Currently we have raised $2,300 of our $30,000 goal, so there is a way to go and we hope you will keep supporting us! 

Did you know that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by setting up your student profile online and raising $1 online? Just head over to Once you have created your page there are some great things you can do. You can sign up for online fundraising, pick your target prize and even become a fundraising superstar!  

If you are having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN. 

Thanks for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day! 

School Uniform Price Update

We have been advised by our uniform supplier, Advanced Promotional Clothing, that due to the ongoing cost increases in all areas of production, they will be regretfully increasing the prices of our uniform items.

Price list effective November 1st (inclusive of GST);

Tee Shirt                              $24.00

Short Sleeve Polo               $28.00

Long Sleeve Polo                $31.00

Hoods (no zip)                     $46.00

Zip Hoods                            $48.00

Sun Hats                              $17.00

Beanies                                $18.00

School Bags                         $61.00

Shorts                                   $25.00

Snapshot of Learning

Maths Olympiad

The Australasian Problem Solving Olympiads (APSMO) is a not for profit, professional organisation established in 1987.

Affiliated with MOEMS (Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools) in the United States, which offers one of the most influential maths competitions around the world. APSMO has over 100,000 students across Australia and New Zealand participating in maths problem solving programs each year. These programs are designed to develop a problem solving pathway of achievement and provide both mainstream and high achieving students with the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Congratulations to Boneo’s Easton G for receiving a Maths Olympiad Elitist Award for outstanding achievement in the challenge for 2023. We are so proud of you Easton!

Division Athletics

Badminton Tournament

Towards the end of last term we held our annual school badminton competitions for students in years 3-6.

Well done to all those who entered and supported the event including a huge well thankyou to the house captains for helping to run it.

After two great competitions our winners were…..


1st Bodhi W
2nd Noah P
3rd Harry S
4th Raphael S


1st Aaliyah M
2nd Raphaela L
3rd Ivy C
4th Summer T

This term we will be holding our annual lawn bowls competition for any students in years 3-6 who wish to enter.


Year 4 Golden Valley Camp

Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 1st September

2024 Prep Transition Session

Wednesday 11th October 9am-11am

JSC-Pyjama Day Fundraiser

Friday 13th October

Please see flyer in this edition of the Buzz

School Council Meeting

Tuesday 17th October

More details to follow

2024 Prep Transition Session

Wednesday 18th October 9am-11am

Year 2 Camp Program

Friday 20th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Wednesday 18th October

Prep Pevan & Sarah Excursion

Tuesday 24th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Tuesday 10th October

2024 Prep Transition Session

Wednesday 25th October 9am-11am

Year 2 Briars Excursion

Thursday 26th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Tuesday 24th October

HPV Casey Fields

Monday 30th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Wednesday 25th October

Year 3 Briars Camp

Monday 30th – Tuesday 31st October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 6th October

Year 6 Graduation Photography - SchoolPix

Wednesday 1st November

Curriculum Day

Monday 6th November

Students are not required to attend school.

Melbourne Cup Day

Tuesday 7th November

Public holiday

Oaks Day Fundraiser

Thursday 9th November

See flyer in this edition of the Buzz

HPV Energy Breakthrough Event

Tuesday 21st November – Friday 24th November

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 15th September

School Dental Van

Week Commencing Monday 4th December

Please return consent forms to school by Friday 8th September

Community News