Boneo Buzz: Friday 25th March

Dear Parents and Carers,

We held our Annual General School Council Meeting on Tuesday and I would like to thank our members for their commitment, dedication and passion for our school. I can confirm the following composition of Council for 2022/2023:

President: Owen Goodwin

Vice President: Andrew Frost

Treasurer: Vanessa Smedley

Secretary: Marija Pandza

Parent Representatives: Rhys Edmund, Jessica Hennessey, Jo Twentyman, Melissa Ham, Davey Smith and Brielle O’Neill

DET Representatives: Mandy Whitworth, Marija Pandza, Tom Pollett and Tim Robertson (Buildings and Grounds employee)

Year 6 Camp

I would like to thank our teachers, parent helpers and students for their outstanding efforts on the Year 6 Wilsons Promontory camp. The children were spectacular, and all reports were that a wonderful time was had!

Harmony Week

This week we recognise Harmony Week. This event allows us to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Classes have had a focus on this throughout the week and Year 1 created a piece of artwork that communicates the message that ‘we all belong.’


Boneo Market

A huge thankyou to our wonderful parents and staff who volunteered at the market last weekend. We made over $1000 serving bacon and egg rolls. Three times a year we also receive funds from the market takings. This term, it was a cheque for $8000. Sarah Thompson and Sarah Brown have joined the Market Committee representing the school and assist with the running of the community event. A huge thankyou from the school for dedicating your time to support this significant school fundraiser. The Redhill Bakery, Lucy Hubbard’s family have kindly offered to sponsor the school by donating all of the rolls for each of the markets. This is a very generous donation.

Snapshot of Learning


This week’s STEM challenge – towers that can stand on their own.

Year 2 Peninsula Gymnastics Excursion


Working Bee

Friday 25th March

Icy Pole Day

Monday 28th March

$1 each

This will be held every Monday during Term 1


Prep Enchanted Adventure Garden

Tuesday 29th March

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 25/03/22

Prep 2023 - Parent Information Sessions

Wednesday 30th March

See details in this edition of the Buzz

Year 5 & 6 Summer Lightning Prems

Thursday 31st March

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 25/03/22

Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th April

Further details to follow via Compass

House Athletics Day

Thursday 7th April

Further details to follow via Compass

House Athletics - Finals

Friday 8th April

Last Day of Term

Friday 8th April

Early Dismissal at 2.15pm

Boneo Community Market

Saturday 16th April

Car Parking Volunteers Required

All Year Levels Rostered for BBQ Duty

Please contact the Office if you can help


Community News