Boneo Buzz: Friday 11th March
Family Food and Fun Night
$13000 Profit
What a total!
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for joining us on Friday to celebrate the start of 2022 at our traditional Family Food and Fun Night. We were blessed to have so many join us for this special occasion and the weather held off in the end. We thank Amanda Swayn who was able to coordinate and pull this event together with such a short timeline. It is inspiring for us all to see the magnificent camaraderie of our wonderful school community. Our staff and parent community are fantastic in the support they give and the time and effort they put in to planning our school events and other fundraising initiatives, social activities and working bees. Without the help of our brilliant community Boneo PS would not be the fantastic school that it is today. A special thank you to the class convenors for organising the various stalls.
We were again overwhelmed by the generosity of our local business community with over 30 businesses donating for stalls and silent auction items.
GARDEN WORKING BEE – Friday 25th March – 2:15pm until 6:30pm
We are reaching out to invite parents to a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Working Bee. Our gardens are in desperate need of some tender love and care. Details to follow next week. Email the Office if you can help.
Cuuriculum Day – Tuesday 15th March – Student Free Day
Snapshot of Learning
Family Food & Fun Night
Labour Day Public Holiday
Monday 14th March
Curriculum Day - Student Free Day
Tuesday 15th March
Division Swimming Event
Wednesday 16th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by 11/03/22
Year 2 Gymnastics Excursion
Thursday 17th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by 16/03/22
District Tennis Tournament
Friday 18th March
Consent due on Compass by 16/03/22
Boneo Community Market
Saturday 19th March
Car Parking Volunteers Required
Year 4 Rostered for BBQ Duty
Please contact the Office if you can help
Icy Pole Day
Monday 21st March
$1 each
This will be held every Monday during Term 1
Year 6 - Wilsons Prom Camp
Tuesday 22nd – Friday 25th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by 28/02/22
School Council AGM
Tuesday 22nd March
Working Bee
Friday 25th March
Further details to follow
Prep Enchanted Adventure Garden
Tuesday 29th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by 25/03/22
Year 5 & 6 Summer Lightning Prems
Thursday 31st March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by 25/03/22