Boneo Buzz: Friday 11th February

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Like most schools, Boneo Primary School relies heavily on fundraising activities to help purchase resources and equipment over and above our education allocation. In 2022, we have the following major fundraising events organised:

Family food and Fun Night – Friday 4th March

Golf Day

Colour Run

Oaks Day Lunch

Boneo Community Market each month

You can help support these activities by attending events, telling your friends, colleagues and neighbours; purchasing items, or simply by lending a hand.

We would love to thank parents in advance who have already volunteered to be Parent Coordinators in readiness for the Family Food and Fun Night. Please contact your child’s teacher. On Wednesday 16th February at 9am we will have our first FFFN planning meeting in the staffroom. We welcome all interested volunteers to attend. If you are not able to volunteer we ask all parents to support events in any way they can. This is our major fundraising event for Term 1, with all funds raised being directed to a student led radio/podcast station and the revamping of the junior and senior play equipment.

Lucky Jars

On Wednesday 23rd February, students are invited to wear free dress (not school uniform) in exchange for donating a Lucky Jar. The jar should be filled with something that would appeal to children. Some ideas for jar fillers are; small toys, stationery, coins, hair ties, marbles etc.

Lollies are acceptable but please make sure that they are in individual wrappers or place the unopened packet in the jar (this is for health reasons)The jar may be of any size from a large coffee jar to a jam jar.

The jars are then sold through a lucky dip system at our FFFN for $2.

Parent Information Evening

Staff were thrilled to have so many parents join their Zoom information sessions this week. Parents can expect a Compass post with a link to year level sessions so that you can watch these at a convenient time or revisit if needed.

Snapshot of Learning

Prep PMP

AFL Clinic


Boneo Swimming Carnival Year 3 - 6

Wednesday 16th February

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 11/02/22


Scholastic Book Club Orders

Orders for the current issue close February 18th.

Ordering details are available in the catalogue. Please note that online ordering is preferred.  


Boneo Community Market

Saturday 19th February

Car Parking Volunteers Required

Year 5/6 Rostered for BBQ Duty

Please contact the Office if you can help


5A Beach Day

Tuesday 22nd February

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 18/02/22


6A Beach Day

Wednesday 23rd February

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 21/02/22


Lucky Jar Day

Wednesday 23rd February


5B Beach Day

Tuesday 8th March

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 04/03/22


6B Beach Day

Wednesday 9th March

Consent/Payment due on Compass by 07/03/22


Student Leader Presentation Assembly

Friday 25th February @ 9am

*A reminder that all parents attending will be required to check-in and provide evidence of their vaccination status*


Family, Food & Fun Night

Friday 4th March


Curriculum Day - Student Free Day

Tuesday 15th March


Year 6 - Wilsons Prom Camp

Tuesday 22nd – Friday 25th March

Further details to follow via Compass


Community News