Boneo Buzz: 9th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Mathematical language was lively in the air on Monday with all students actively engaged in solving a shared challenge:

‘How far can we move it? How do we know?’

As you can see from the images, the responses to this challenge was varied. The Office team were stumped and enlisted the support of students to get a ping pong ball (after trial and error changed to a golf ball) moving from the staffroom, through the corridor and out the door. Students discussed the angles required, the weight of the ball and the distance needed. Mathematical concepts were truly developed through this challenge……much fun and friendly class, office ‘co-opetition’ was had by all.

Just a reminder that staff will be completing reports and planning tomorrow, Friday 10th June as a DET allocated Professional Practice Day. Students are not required at school so please enjoy an extra-long weekend.

Student Reports

Please note that student reports will go live via Compass on Thursday 23rd June. This report is designed to detail clear information about your child’s progress against the Victorian Curriculum.

At Boneo Primary School, student learning is implemented through the framework of the Victorian Curriculum. This curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. This report acknowledges the importance of disciplinary knowledge, skills and understandings alongside general capabilities.

At Boneo we are committed to the explicit teaching of English and Mathematics. Inquiry Units provide the framework through which much of the curriculum is delivered, integrating the following learning areas: Science; Humanities – History, Geography, Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship; and Digital Technologies.

This year, we are excited to further develop assessment against learner dispositions, which are general capabilities focusing on ‘how’ students are learning and the type of learner they are becoming.

The Learner Dispositions assessed are:

  • Self-management Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Collaboration Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Research Skills

These skills are fundamental to learning and, in many cases, were particularly evident as students negotiated both virtual and face-to-face learning this semester. When we consciously engage young people in inquiring into how they learn, we are developing skills and dispositions that act as important assets to them as learners across the curriculum, in school and beyond. We hope the Semester 1 Report will assist in further strengthening our home-school partnership. We encourage you to discuss and share this Report with your child. Early next term the students will conduct a Student Led Conference (26th and 27th July) and share with you their evidence of learning that supports this report.

Snapshot of Learning

Boneo Maths Challenge

Prep Listening Phones

The Prep students are loving using their new listening phones. They are using them to build stamina during independent reading time.

Year 3 Briars Camp

Group one were building ‘Willums’ or stick huts first round in the morning. The challenge was to ensure that the huts were waterproof! This team building & problem solving activity saw children working together towards a common goal- staying dry! They planned ahead, gathering slabs of stringy bark on the first day of camp when they observed the resource near to the low ropes course…


DET Professional Practice Day

Friday 10th June

Students not required at school

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Monday 13th June

Southern Peninsula Music Camp

Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Thursday 12th May

Prep Community Dress-up Day

Monday 20th June

School Council Meeting

Tuesday 21st June

Winter Lightning Prems

Wednesday 22nd  June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 17th June

Special Lunch Day

Thursday 23rd June

All orders must be received by

Monday 20th June

Curriculum Day

Friday 24th June

Student Free Day

School Returns for Term 3

Monday 11th July

Swim Program - Year 5 & 6

Monday 18th – Friday 20th July

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 15th July

Student Led Conferences

Tuesday 26th – Wednesday 27th July

Further details to follow via Compass

Community News