Boneo Buzz: 9th December
Dear Parents and Carers,
As another year speeds to a close we are left thinking, where has the year gone?
They say time flies when you are having fun but I’m thinking that the world seems to have sped up. At assembly today, I shared with the children that many of us are tired and need to be kind to ourselves and support each as we conclude the school year. I equally asked the children to be kind to their tired parents over the coming weeks.
Throughout the week ahead we will reflect on the year by asking ourselves 3 questions;
1. How have I grown?
2. What am I most proud of?
3. How will I celebrate my achievements?
Chat about these with your children especially after you read their report next Friday 16th December at 4pm.
We are looking forward to celebrating our Year 6 achievements at Graduation on Monday. I know our community are keen to know where teachers will be placed in 2023 so early next week I will be able to confirm all teacher placements prior to Step up Day on Friday 16th December.
A very big thank you to Renee Street, Trudi Wooley and Lily Harford for volunteering their time to sort the fun run prizes. Students will be bringing these home today. We are waiting on one more delivery and will send these home next week. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

Snapshot of Learning
Choir Village Glen Performance

Celebration Picnic & Concert

Year 2 Sleepover

Year 1 Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

Year 3 SAKG Christmas Cooking

Year 6 Graduation
Monday 12th December
Year 6 to Year 7 Statewide Transition Day
Tuesday 13th December
Step Up Day
Friday 16th December
Boneo Community Market
Saturday 17th December
Volunteers required for BBQ & Car Parking. Please contact the office if you are available to assist.
Last Day of Term
Tuesday 20th December
Early Dismissal at 1.15pm
2023 School Year Starts
Monday 30th January
All Year levels commence on this day
Community News