Boneo Buzz: 9th August

Friday 9th August, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.

 Creating a positive school culture and climate in which teaching and learning can safely take place requires a partnership between parents, teachers, and the community. At Boneo Primary School, we want every student to have a clear understanding of what is, and what is not acceptable behaviour.

Our school RED values – Respect, Empathy and Determination are integral to who we are and how we should behave. Staff at Boneo work together with parents to help our students face challenges, learn from mistakes and make decisions that reflect the person that they want to be. We are committed to ensuring a respectful learning environment that is safe, positive and kind for all students, parents, staff and visitors. Having high expectations for all members of our community is paramount.


First and foremost, parents have the responsibility to be positive role models to their children. The behaviours that parents and the important adults in a child’s life exhibit, influence the actions of children significantly. Unfortunately, in society there has been a rise in the incidence of abusive language, aggressive and bullying actions of adults reported and, in some cases, applauded. Our young people copy adults. Also, the importance we place on immediacy and the access to information afforded to us by technology, seems to have eroded our levels of patience and we have developed expectations of the ‘instant fix’ or ‘instant gratification’.


Bullying, intimidation, swearing and gossiping (both online and in person) have no place at Boneo Primary School. I ask all members of our community to consider their behaviour and the example that we are setting for our children and other people. Respectful relationships are key to maintaining a positive community. We take pride in being a part of the Boneo community and we can feel proud of the high standards that we expect of all members of our community.


Parent Excursion Consent

It is a legal requirement that consent is received for all students to attend an excursion or special event. Student safety is always our priority when planning these events.

It is our school policy that consent must be received by the due date, either through department permission forms or digitally via COMPASS, for a student to attend any excursion.

The consent due date is set to allow event organisers sufficient time to plan, coordinate and finalise requirements with all external service providers. We must work within, and accept, the legal obligations set by our providers,when planning events. This may include; staffing, transport, event admission, instruction and supervision ratios.

Please be advised that consent dates for all future events will be strictly enforced.

We will, as per school policy, provide parents with sufficient time to provide consent and payment for an event, and ensure that reminders are sent to parents prior to these dates closing.

COMPASS provides parents 24 hour access to event management and is a user friendly platform for our families to access.

Instructions for all COMPASS processes have been shared with families via the Boneo Buzz as stages have been rolled out. We encourage all families who require further assistance accessing and using COMPASS, to contact the school to set up a meeting time to rectify any issues. We want to ensure that our students have the opportunity to participate in all events.

Prep C – Winter Ninja Warriors

Our Prep C class were lucky to escape the wet day timetable today and headed to Peninsula Gymnastics for some tumbling fun.

A huge thank you to Peninsula Gymnastics for their support of our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP).

All Prep classes will have an opportunity to visit the gymnastics center during Term 3.

Scholastic Book Fair

Our Boneo Book Fair opens on Monday afternoon and will operate before and after school until Thursday afternoon.

The fair will be held in the Multi Purpose Room and we still require volunteers to assist with some of these shifts. Please contact the school office if you are available to assist.


Parent Opinion Survey

The annual Parent Opinion Survey for 2019 is now live and we are inviting all families to participate. Please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future management and organisation of our school.

This survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All families will have received the survey link and password via Compass.

The Department of Education and Training has extended this survey. The link is now open until Sunday 18th August.

Oaks Day Event

Planning for our Oaks Day event is underway and we will be releasing tickets to parents of our school from Thursday 5th September at 3pm.

Public tickets will then go on sale from Monday 16th September. Start planning your ticket requirements early to avoid disappointment.

We are refreshing our promotional material and this will be posted soon, so keep an eye out for further details.

We still require volunteers to assist with the planning and coordination of the event and look forward to seeing some new faces at our next meeting on Monday 19th August at 9am in the staffroom.

If you would like to volunteer to support this event, or have any questions about what is involved, please contact the school office or join us in the staff room for our meeting.

Specialist Tennis Program

We are very fortunate to be able to offer our students an additional opportunity through the Boneo Tennis Club.
The club is sponsoring a Specialist Tennis Program for 12 of our students aged 8 – 10 years with Coach Paul Gibson. This program is designed to prepare players who would be interested in playing competition tennis and will focus on skill development, fitness and match play.
Sessions will be held on a Tuesday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, commencing on Tuesday 6th August through until the end of Term 3.
Please note that parents must be present for these sessions and students will be expected to attend all sessions.
Please register your child’s interest in this program by contacting the school office.

Snapshot of Learning this Week

Year 2 Melbourne Museum Excursion

On Tuesday morning at Boneo PS, all the Grade 2 children went to the Melbourne Museum because we are learning about dinosaurs.
First, we got into groups and started looking for our special dinosaurs. My group had the Deinonychus. We learnt some awesome facts.
Next, we went to the 3D cinema. The 3D cinema was a room that was like a tiny hill that tried to make you think you were growing. My friend Joshua started to dance and when we got out, a lot of people were surrounding a TV that recorded him dancing.
Finally, we went to a white room that was full of dinosaurs and animals. The animals were like little statues. There was information about them on a screen.
Overall, I had an awesome day at the Museum.
By Hayden 2B

On Tuesday, all the Grade 2’s went on an excursion. We went to the Museum because we were learning about dinosaurs.
First, we ate our snacks and we found our groups. I got to be in a group with my friends. The leaders of our group were Jesse’s Mum and Dad.
Next, we went to see the dinosaur bones. The bones were from a T-Rex and they looked awesome.
After that, we went to the kids’ playground and we ate our lunch there. There were dinosaur fossil bones in the sandpit that we could dig up. We almost got out the T-Rex head.
I was feeling grateful because the teachers took us to the city.
By Zayne 2A

 On Tuesday all the Grade 2’s went to the Melbourne Museum. We were going because we were studying dinosaurs. We did lots of good stuff.
First, we paired up. My group was Reef, Noah and me. We we went inside and explored the interesting things. We went to the dinosaur bones first. They looked scary.
Next, my group went to the ‘Bugs Alive’. Reef fell over when he saw the big spider alive! I didn’t jump – I laughed my head off. It was really funny.
After that we went and saw lots of crystals. There was the whole colours of the rainbow.
Finally, I went to an outside rainforest, but it was still inside. We went in a cave and there was mist.
Overall, I had the greatest day ever and I hope to go back.
By Finley 2B

Last Tuesday all the Grade 2 kids went to the Museum. We were learning about dinosaurs.
First Mia and I went to the forest. My Mum was our group leader. We looked at the video camera and we could see the T-Rex movie.
Next, we went to Bugs Alive. We saw the butterflies and insects. The special thing in there was the whole thing of dead ants. It was cool. You could put your head up inside and see them.
After that we went to the forest again. The forest was outside the Museum and we saw a frog and a blue bird that only collects blue things.
I felt so tired at the end of the Museum. It was so much fun.
By Elilzabeth 2A


Parent Opinion Survey

Link closes Sunday 18th August

Please see Compass notification for further details

Boneo Book Fair

Monday 12th August to Thursday 15th August – see flyer in this newsletter for times

Oaks Day Committee Meeting

Monday 19th August @ 9am

All welcome

Book Week Event

Monday 19th August – Dress as your favourite book/character

Year 3 Somers Camp

Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd August

Year 4 BYOD Parent Information Session

Wednesday 4th September 6.30pm

Year 4 Angahook Camp

Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th September