Boneo Buzz: 5th June
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week, it has been fantastic to see our Prep to Year 2 students so happy to be reunited with their teachers. Teachers have worked hard to reconnect with their students and time has been spent each day supporting students’ wellbeing. Naturally too, the teachers have been eager to get back to normal daily structures, and have thoroughly enjoyed teaching face to face once more. We are looking forward to welcoming students from Years 3 to 6 back onsite Tuesday. It will be so nice to have the Boneo clan back together.
To ease congestion, we ask all parents to assist us in the following way:
- Traffic is one way, entering from Boneo Road, beside the tennis court heading to the cricket club, follow the road to exit at Limestone Road. The Shire devised this traffic plan for Boneo Primary school and I need all parents to adhere to this in the interest of everyone’s safety.
- Next week, Prep students will meet their teachers in the classroom, leaders will be on the oval, outside the Hall at the gate to assist students to class.
- Parents/carers are to maintain a minimum of 1.5m social distance from each other.
Staggered Start and Ends to the Day
When planning these, it was difficult to know how much time to allow each group to enter and exit the school grounds, without exposing parents to risk by having large groups of parents congregating whilst waiting for their children.
Next week we will trial the following:
Arrival and Departure Week 9
Below is a summary of our staggered start and finish processes when all children return after the long weekend on Tuesday 9th June.
Arrive at families normal drop off points, with parents remaining at cars and students walking straight to their classrooms. School leaders and specialist staff will be outside on duty to support students.
8:35am – 8:45am arrival for families with surnames beginning with A to J
8:45am – 8:55am arrival for families with surnames beginning with K to Z
3:00pm dismissal for students with surnames beginning with A to J
3:15pm dismissal for students with surnames beginning with K to Z
We are hopeful that these changes will ease some of the pressure on families at drop off and pick up time. Please continue to be punctual for your allotted time. It is only through your timeliness that we are able to make these changes work.
Thank you once again for your continued support. I have been humbled by the number of parents who have expressed their gratitude for the teachers work and engagement with students during lockdown. Your flexibility and understanding are very much appreciated.
Have a fabulous Queen’s birthday long weekend.
Parent and Guardian Occupation and Schooling Confirmation
All families will be receiving a form to update parent occupation and education information.
It is vitally important to our school funding level that these are completed accurately and returned to the school office by the due date of Friday 19th June.
Please ensure you read all options available under the occupation groups to determine the correct coding for your employment category.
We appreciate your cooperation with this important task. Please contact the office if you require any assistance.
Remote Learning
Can’t wait to see you in person Mr Miller without your funny face freeze glitches! – Benjamin
Boneo Masterchef with Sienna
Backyard Wildlife Photo Competition
Snapshot of Learning this Week
Global Environments – Year 3
Our Year 3 students embraced remote learning when researching one of our global environments. The teachers were amazed by their dedication, management of time and ability to use technology to research and create a presentation to show their understanding. The quality of the presentations were high, artistic flare was shown with colour and font schemes and relevant photos were used to support the information shared.
The students presented their work during online Zoom conferences with Ms. Trezise and their peers. The feedback and support they demonstrated to each other throughout each presentation was compassionate, respectful and supportive.
A beautiful way to celebrate their achievements and the spirit of Boneo.
Be sure to join our next online assembly to see a more comprehensive sample of the amazing presentations created by our Year 3 students.
Information Reports – Year 1
The Year 1 students have been very busy this week researching their chosen marine animal and writing the draft copy of their information report. So far the students have written a heading, an introduction, sub headings and detailed descriptions on appearance, habitat and diet.
Congratulations Year 1 students on a fantastic effort!
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Monday 8th June
Year 3 to 6 students return to school
Tuesday 9th June
Term 2 Events
All events have been postponed
and therefore closed on Compass.
Parents will be updated when onsite schooling resumes.