Boneo Buzz: 4th November
Dear Parents and Carers,
People crave that sense of belonging even more so now, there is something indescribably lovely about being a part of a group of people who share something more substantial than geographical location; something they feel passionately about. Something that, when shared, makes individuals feel connected. Yesterday’s annual Boneo Oaks Day with over 120 members of our community attending’ truly epitomised just how special our community is. A growing body of research confirms the benefits of building a sense of community. Young people with a strong sense of community are more likely to have strong academic outcomes, act ethically and altruistically, develop socially and emotionally and generally avoid problem behaviours, including drug use and violence. A heart felt thank you to everyone involved in making this event so successful. I would like to particularly thank Amanda Swayn who passionately organises this amazing event. You once again worked tirelessly over many weekends to bring this to fruition.
Congratulations Harry S on qualifying for the Victorian Schools State Athletics Championships. Harry competed in the 80m Hurdles this week finishing 3rd in the Sate. This is an amazing achievement and we are all very proud of your efforts Harry.
- Please come and help us on Friday 11th November at our garden working bee
- Friday 25th November is a Professional Practice Day for staff. Students are not required at school. TheirCare will be operating.
Oaks Day Fundraising Event
Wow! An amazing effort by our school and extended community in their support of our Oaks Day event yesterday.
The National was abuzz as our guests enjoyed a wonderful day of fashion, food and fun.
To our supporters, we are overwhelmed by your generosity. The auction items, raffle prizes, lolly buffet, beauty and styling station were all donated by our local business community. The success of the day is truly a community effort.
A very big thank you to Warren Gray and Owen Goodwin for offering their time to run the Sweeps, Adam Alexander for conducting our ‘Live Auctions’ and the ladies of Amaroo Studio Salon, Annette Sanfilippo and Vanessa Harlem, for their amazing contribution, running our makeup and styling stations and presenting the ‘Amaroo Studio Salon’ Fashions on the Field.
We look forward to sharing our final result in next week’s edition of the Buzz and hope to host you all again in 2023.
We’re two weeks out from our School Fun Run! We hope students are working hard towards their fundraising goals!
Currently we have raised $15,600 of our $30,000, so there is a way to go and I hope you’ll keep supporting us! Remember, the money raised will be going towards renewing our senior school playground.
Did you know that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by setting up your student profile online and raising $1 online? Just head over to Once you’ve created your page there are some great things you can do. You can sign up for online fundraising, pick your target prize and even become a fundraising superstar!
If you’re having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN.
Thanks for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day!
Snapshot of Learning
Year 2 Briars Excursion
After School Music Recital
Monday 7th November
Consent required on Compass by Sunday 6th November
Year 5 Urban Camp
Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th November
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 30th September
Working Bee
Friday 11th November
See the flyer in this edition of the Buzz
Year 2 Sleepover
Thursday 24th November
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 21st November
Year 5/6 Kinect2Dance
Commencing Friday 25th November
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Thursday 24th November
Year 1 Cranbourne Gardens Excursion
Thursday 1st December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 25th November
Year 6 Quantum Victoria
Friday 2nd December
Consent required on Compass by Monday 28th November
Christmas Celebration Picnic
Wednesday 7th December
Save the Date. More details to follow
Year 6 Graduation
Monday 12th December
Year 6 to Year 7 Statewide Transition Day
Tuesday 13th December
Step Up Day
Friday 16th December
Last Day of Term
Tuesday 20th December
Early Dismissal at 1.15pm