Boneo Buzz: 3rd September
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last night, I was thrilled to see so many parents meet online to listen to David Vinegrad present; ‘Kids, Conflict and Covid Lockdowns’. I have included the recording in this edition of the Buzz and recommend you take the time to see the presentation. David shared some simple ideas and strategies for all families. David linked our work at school around developing a restorative community and what this would look like at home. We focus on developing a sense of other realising that as an individual, we are not the center of the universe, but merely part of it. We are responsible for our behavior and the impact, both good and bad, on others! The approach is fundamentally about relational accountability.
Exciting plans for the next 2 weeks:
- Thursday 9th September Kahoot Family Trivia event 5:30pm to 6pm
- Thursday 16th September Footy Day – Footy/Ball trick competition

Book Week Celebration
Although the classroom has changed greatly over the past year, our school still remains committed to providing vibrant and engaging learning opportunities for our students. It is important that we continue to recognise and celebrate special events on our school calendar.
We are thrilled that our Boneo Book Week celebration was so positively received by our school community. It has been lovely to see photos of our students enjoying the book character dress-up day and the special activities led so beautifully by our Year 6 students.
“I just wanted to give you some feedback on today’s book week sessions as I thought they were fantastic! Elias attended the We Love you Magoo, Hello Jimmy and Your Birthday Was the Best sessions, was engaged the entire time and really enjoyed the activities that the grade sixers organised for them. It was so well done, as are all the daily lesson plans and zoom sessions so thank you Boneo P.S. team.”

Snapshot of Learning
From the Art Room

Year 2 Work Samples

Family Trivia Challenge
Thursday 9th September 5.30 -6.00pm
See poster in this edition of the Buzz
Footy Day
Thursday 16th September
Dress in your team colours and join in the football games
Final Day of Term 3
Friday 17th September
Term 4 Commences
Monday 4th October
Curriculum Day
Monday 1st November
Student Free Day
Melbourne Cup Day -Public Holiday
Tuesday 2nd November
Community News