Boneo Buzz: 3rd June

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday, all students will be exploring a mathematical challenge across the school

‘How far can we move it? How do we know?’

Rube Golberg clips have been used as inspiration and it is exciting to note that year levels are tackling this challenge in diverse ways. We encourage parents to wander through the main corridor next week and enjoy student thinking and learning on display. Mrs Pandza and I are now in trouble, we thought we had this challenge nailed but Year 6 have found our big tube in the garage so back to square one for us. Our other secret weapon will be enlisting the support of some students we know who think out of the box and love this type of challenge. We can’t wait to share our findings with you.


A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful community who continue to keep children home when they are ill. Additionally, thank you for being proactive and using RATs to screen the children on a regular basis. I spoke with the children today about having layers of clothing to keep them warm. Please ensure the children come to school with winter uniform and a coat.

Junior School Council Fundraiser

Pyjama Day Tuesday 7th June. The JSC are raising money to install a Gratitude Tree at the entry to the school and are very excited so please support this initiative. Children need to bring a gold coin donation and wear warm pyjamas.

After Hours use of the Basketball Courts

It is fabulous to see so many of our students joining after school team sports. School Council discussed the afterhours use of our basketball courts and the issue of supervision. Can I ask all team coaches and leaders who are currently using the courts to collect and complete the necessary forms inline with the Schools Facility Use Policy. Please do this next week. We require the following details the name of the club, coach and details for all students training.

Please note, all students who are not booked into Aftercare need to be in the care of an adult when in the yard after hours.


The traffic at peak times can cause concerns for parents and the School. Vic Roads and the Shire have previously supported the school to establish guidelines that ensure safety is paramount at peak times.

The system can work successfully but everyone involved needs to put the safety of the children first and show patience and tolerance if a situation involves a short wait. 

Please adhere to the following:

We currently have 2 main entries to park around the oval:

  • From Boneo Road enter at the tennis court and exit onto Limestone Road. This is one way only at peak times.
  • It is unsafe to double park and add carpark spaces around the tennis court and along the driveways.
  • Keep the shire allocated disabled parking bays free for families that require these bays.
  • From Limestone Road enter and keep driveway tracks free of vehicles and exit again at Limestone road.
  • Please do not park in the bus done or in front of the hoppers on Limestone Road.

Snapshot of Learning

Prep – People & Places Help Make a Community

A special visit from some police officers this week, helped the Prep students to continue to learn about the people that help them in their community. There were many squeals of delight as the sirens and lights went on and some outstanding writing about what they learnt followed soon after. We look forward to exploring our inquiry unit further as we unpack our own role in the community and the impact that we can have.  

Year 5  Big Day Out – Sovereign Hill


On Thursday, the Year 5 students embarked on their Big Day Out adventure to Sovereign Hill as part of their Unit of Inquiry. The students were immersed in the life of the 1850s and experienced everything from gold panning, underground mine tours, gold fever experiences, live re-enactments and of course, the confectionery store! The students had such a fantastic time, and the experience enriched their learning. 


JSC Pyjama Day Fundraiser

Tuesday 7th June

Gold Coin Donation

HPV Parent Information Session

Tuesday 7th May – 5pm

District Boys Netball/Girls Football

Wednesday 8th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 3rd June

DET Professional Practice Day

Friday 10th June

Students not required at school

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Monday 13th June

Southern Peninsula Music Camp

Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Thursday 12th May

Prep Community Dress-up Day

Monday 20th June

Winter Lightning Prems

Wednesday 22nd  June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 17th June

Curriculum Day

Friday 24th June

Student Free Day

Community News