Boneo Buzz: 31st July

Dear Boneo Community,

 2020 has not been the year any of us wanted. Cancelled events, plans put on pause and uncertainty about what the future holds. What we can manage and control are our thoughts and actions.

As has so often been said, this has been such an unprecedented time and while we would hope never to go through this again, I trust that each family can take away many positives from the experience. Time with children, learning new skills, taking up new hobbies and enjoying lots of time getting to know your child as a learner. It has been a steep learning curve for us all but it has been made so much easier due to your enthusiasm and backing. I see a stronger bond between parents and staff and that can only be a good thing for our children.

Parent feedback last term was invaluable and influenced the changes we have made to our program. We appreciate the overwhelming positive feedback we have received in response to our changes and encourage you to make contact if you need our support in any way.

I want to thank parents for your understanding and calm, positive approach to managing the Covid-19 virus and move back into Remote and Flexible Learning.  While the situation regarding COVID-19 continues to evolve, I wish to reassure you that the school is following all Department of Education guidelines and is being proactive in ensuring good preventative measures are in place if students are onsite. The school receives updates each week from the Education Department, which are all based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer. 

It is important that as a school community we apply a common sense, factual and practical approach to COVID-19. We need our community to take this seriously so that we can protect each other. If anyone in your immediate family is tested, please let us know, isolate the family and ensure the children are not onsite until a negative result is received.

Please follow the following advice:

  • Practise good hygiene and regularly and thoroughly wash your hands.
  • Maintain physical distancing, keep at least 1.5 metres away from others.
  • Wear a face covering when you are out for one of the four reasons, unless an exception applies.
  • If you feel unwell do not go to work or send the children to school.
  • Get tested at a nearby testing location. Return home immediately, isolate the family.
  • If you are worried you will lose pay while you wait for test result or you have tested positive and need to self-isolate you may be eligible for a worker support payment.
  • If your condition worsens contact your GP or a health professional.

Snapshot of Learning this Week

Remote Learning – Physical Education

Wetlands Visit 


Term 3 Events

All events have been postponed and therefore closed on Compass.

Parents will be updated when onsite schooling resumes.