Boneo Buzz: 30th October
Dear Parents and Carers,
After a refreshing long weekend, learning has continued this week in earnest. Across the school, teachers are beginning to track students’ progress using the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) which are designed to provide objective, norm-referenced information to teachers about their students’ skills and understandings in Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling and Mathematics. In adopting and using Progressive Achievement Tests to investigate and diagnose student learning and to monitor progress over time, teachers are working within a growth mindset, with the benefits of targeted teaching, and ultimately improving learning outcomes. Staff are already reporting significant improvement which supports the incredible partnership that has developed between the school and home, during our online learning period.
In returning on-site, our students have demonstrated an excitement for being back with their peers. There is ongoing work at our end to support the children to re-engage in respectful relationships, take turns, listen to each other with interest and use ‘helpful’ language when working through challenges. We recognise that this period has been full of changes and has meant that our children have had to be resilient and adaptable; returning to school has been a moment of readjustment for some.
A huge thank you to our community for the gorgeous acknowledgement of our staff today. Our hearts are full!
Take care and enjoy next week’s Melbourne Cup Day long weekend. On Monday, staff will be involved in Professional Development, focusing on Mathematics and Reading and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
URGENT REMINDER – Parent Opinion Survey
Just a reminder that the 2020 Parent Opinion Survey is open until Friday 13th November 2020. Your details to access the survey were recently sent home with the 2021 Parent Payment information. Please be assured that your responses are completely confidential and the survey is anonymous.
Here is your link to access the survey:
Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you require assistance.
Congratulations Oscar
We are excited to announce that Oscar has received the Fred Hollows Humanity Award for helping the homeless. The Fred Hollows Humanity Award recognises Year 6 students who follow in Fred’s footsteps by making a positive difference in their community. It celebrates students who show compassion, integrity and kindness in their everyday lives, just as Fred did. Oscar raised money for homeless people via Facebook by being sponsored to shave his hair.
School Pride
A special mention to Artie & Lenny (Year 1) for their commitment to keeping our school clean. They have volunteered their time during this week to collecting litter and promoting the importance of keeping our school rubbish free by designing their own ‘No Littering’ poster. Well done, Artie and Lenny!
Poppies & Icy Pole Day
Please note, that from next Wednesday Year 6 students will be selling Rememberance Day badges for the RSL. The badges are a gold coin donation and the Year 6’s will visit each class room next week.
‘Icy Pole Wednesday’ will also return from next week. Icy poles will be available at lunchtime – $1 each.
Sustainable Art
For the Year 5/6 T.R.E.C. project we are collecting items to create sustainable artwork. To help us, please bring these items to school:
Bottle Caps, Jar & Bottle Lids, Plastic Bottles and CD’s
Boneo School Fun Run
On Friday 27th November all students will be participating in our annual School Fun Run. This was a fabulous success last year with all students having a wonderful day. Please see details below and use the following link to create your student profile page;
Snapshot of Learning
SAKG – Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Our Year 3 students had an opportunity to trial the new kitchen space today. They prepared Spanokopita using fresh produce from our garden.
A special Boneo thank you to Beni and Alan (our cleaners), who have worked in the vegie garden over recent months to ensure the students were able to harvest when the SAKG program resumed. We are incredibly grateful for the wonderful work they have undertaken to have the garden looking fabulous and ready for our budding chefs.
Craft Club – Halloween Theme
Our lunchtime activities are proving very popular with Miss Downward providing some spooky Halloween fun for students this week.
On Wednesday, the children participated in the Halloween craft club designing ‘Haunted Houses’.
- Dane outdid all of our colouring, even with two broken arms.
- Josie did some exceptional lettering with a fine pen.
- Kelsey showed an incredible eye for small details, letting her imagination run wild.
- Aurora put in her best efforts to make a very spooky looking house.
Yesterday, the children assisted Miss Downward to make up Miss Raven and Miss Ritchie as a vampire and a zombie. The children did a fantastic job of painting and using other kinds of makeup. We even used fake blood!
Our proudest moments included –
- Raffy doing a very neat, tidy and full coverage foundation base.
- Daisy’s very careful latex application for the scabs with a very steady hand.
- Annika even put on one of Miss Raven’s false eyelashes (most adults can’t even do that!)
With a whole range of ages welcome, we have a lot of fun together. There are some exceptional budding artists in our school, and I can’t wait to see the work they do throughout the rest of the term.
Curriculum Day - Student Free Day
Monday 2nd November
Cup Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 3rd November
Boneo Arcade Game Challenge
Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th November
Boneo School Fun Run
Friday 27th November
2021 Prep Transition Sessions
Monday 16th – Friday 20th November
Session details emailed to families
2021 Prep Information Session
Wednesday 25th November
Session time and Zoom link emailed to families
Curriculum Day - Student Free Day
Friday 4th December
Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 15th December
2021 Step Up Day
Wednesday 16th December