Boneo Buzz: 2nd December
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am so excited to announce that Boneo PS has been successful in receiving a grant for $491 000 to construct an all-weather cover over one of our basketball courts, connecting the multipurpose room. This will allow our community to gather for events and ensure our students have a venue for Physical Education when the weather is poor.
With only a few weeks before we conclude the 2020 school year, the annual ritual of putting together next year’s class lists is well underway. All staff are actively involved in creating class lists. Teachers meet as a team to create lists based on their collective knowledge of the students’ needs. We work diligently to ensure there is a balance of academic and social-emotional needs across all classes. On Wednesday 16th December all students will participate in ‘Step Up Day’ – an opportunity for students to connect with their 2021 peers and teachers.
I want to take the opportunity to congratulate Mrs Nadine Pye on her provisional appointment as the new Principal of Derinya Primary School. I know she is looking forward to the challenges of a new school. We have both enjoyed our close working partnership over the past two years, working together with the community to continue a tradition of educational excellence at Boneo PS. I wish her all the best for the future. Nadine has prepared the following message for the community.
It is with great excitement that I am able to share with you that I have been appointed as the new Principal of Derinya Primary School commencing in 2021. I was employed at Boneo Primary School in 2001 and have thoroughly enjoyed my 20 years as a classroom teacher, Leading Teacher and as Assistant Principal. I have had wonderful opportunities to work with the children, families and staff that make up our community and will be forever grateful for all that we have shared, learnt and achieved together. I will take with me great memories and look forward to keeping up to date with all that is going on at Boneo. This school will always have a very special place in my heart and I wish our community all the best moving forward in to 2021 and beyond.
Additionally, Ryan Jellie has accepted a one-year position at Moorooduc Primary School for 2021. I know you will join with me in wishing Ryan all the best for the coming year. I personally want to acknowledge Ryan’s passion for engaging our students and for his leadership to transform the teaching of Mathematics across the school. We will miss you next year! Ryan has prepared the following message.
It is with great sadness but excitement that I can announce to our Boneo Family that I have accepted a teaching position at Moorooduc PS for 2021. I have absolutely loved my time at Boneo Primary School. Every day, I have tried to make learning fun and memorable for our students. We have such amazing students and I thank everyone of them for the wonderful laughter and memories over the years. To all our families and teachers, many I now call friends, thank you. I wish everyone all the very best and remember to play, laugh and learn.
Madi Ritchie plans to travel and work overseas in 2021/22, but will start the year as a Casual Relief Teacher. We look forward to hearing stories of Madi’s amazing adventures overseas and want to thank Madi for her contribution to Boneo Primary School.
We will have an opportunity to acknowledge Nadine, Ryan and Madi, as well as our 2020 Year 6 graduates, at our final assembly on Friday 18th December, 12.15pm.
I am excited to introduce Ms Anna Wilson who will be joining the Boneo teaching team in 2021. Anna has prepared the following introduction for our community.
Working with children has always been something that I knew
I wanted to do. Despite teaching running in my family, with both my Mum and Grandma being teachers, I set out on a different pathway. I initially wanted to become a photographer and later studied Naturopathy. These experiences gave me new
skills and insights, however, my desire to work with children grew stronger. I knew that I had to follow my true passion and so I began studying my Bachelor of Education (Early Years and Primary).
Whilst studying, I was very fortunate to work in Early Childhood Education where I gained a wealth of knowledge, experience and really started to develop a love for teaching and learning. I am constantly amazed at the creativity and capabilities within each child. This is something that I recognise as highly valuable and strive to nurture as a teacher.
Growing up in country Victoria has embedded in me a great appreciation for communities, what they represent and what they can provide us. Now, after living on the Peninsula for a few years and more recently moving to Rosebud with my partner, I am so proud to call this community ‘home’ and to give back through my role as a teacher.
I am filled with excitement to grow, learn and be a part of the team at Boneo Primary School!
I can confirm the following teacher placement for 2021
Classroom Teachers |
Prep |
Anita Presti |
Michaela Downward |
Year 1 |
Nicky Schwabegger |
Beth Wharton |
Year 2 |
Julia Barnett/Yikhol Blakey |
Anna Wilson |
Stacey Brown (Trezise) |
Year 3 |
Ryan Miller .4 /Sarah D .6 |
Susie McGregor |
Year 4 |
Jen Scott |
Olivia Raven |
Rowena Sykes |
Year 5 |
Megan Young |
Thomas Pollett |
Year 6 |
Gary Cooper |
Liz Dewar |
Specialist Teachers |
Pat Dalton |
P.E. |
David Greening |
Libby Sison |
Learning Enhancement/ Tutoring |
Fiona Campanella
STEM/Technology |
Ryan Miller |
Parent Payment Reminder 2021
A reminder to all families of our fee payment schedule for 2021.
Please see below details of the parent letter that was sent home to all families in October, along with the fee schedule for each child’s year level. It is important that we receive these payments by the due dates to ensure delivery of student book packs. Thank you for your cooperation with this process.
Boneo Primary School is looking forward to a settled year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Boneo Primary School’s parent payment arrangements for 2021.
Boneo Primary School makes every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents. Please note, this year we have itemised the Fee Schedule (attached) to ensure transparency as to where funds are allocated across the school.
Financial Support for Families
Boneo Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty.
For confidential discussion regarding access to support services, or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements, please contact the Business Manager, Stella White on 03 5988 6253 or email:
Payment Methods, Terms and Refunds
Payment can be made by direct transfer or BPAY to the school’s bank account, or by EFTPOS or cash at the Office.
Boneo Primary School Council have appoved the following payment options for 2021:
Option A Full amount by 11th December 2020
Option B 1/2 payment by 11th December 2020
Balance paid by end of Term 1 2021
Health Alert
Please be aware that there have been two confirmed cases of Impetigo (School Sores) in the junior years.
The Department of Health states that;
A student needs to be excluded from school until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.
Please seek medical advice if you have any concerns.
Snapshot of Learning
Boneo Fun Run
A huge congratulations to the Boneo Community for their tremendous support of our 2020 Boneo Colour Fun Run. It was another spectacular event, which was enjoyed by all.
We look forward to welcoming our parents and extended community to join in the fun next year.
Year 5/6 Kinect 2 Dance
Wednesdays from 11/11 – 9/12
Consent/Payment required on Compass by 18/11
Year 5 Activity Week
Tuesday 1st to Thursday 3rd December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by 27/11
Year 2 Not Sleepover
Thursday 3rd December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by 26/11
Year 4 The Ranch
Wednesday 9th December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by 1/12
Curriculum Day - Student Free Day
Friday 4th December
Dental Van Visit
Monday 7th – Friday 11th December
Please return completed consent forms to school before Friday 4th December
End of Year Show
Thursday 10th December
In school performance. Please see Compass for details sent by Ms Sison
Prep, Year 1 & 2 End of Year Celebration Day
Friday 11th December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by 8/12
Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 15th December
2021 Step Up Day
Wednesday 16th December
9am – 12.15pm
Students Return for 2021
Friday 29th January
All Year Levels
Final Day Term 4
Friday 18th December
Early dismissal 1.15pm
Boneo Market
Saturday 19th December