Boneo Buzz: 2nd August

Friday 2nd August, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Celebrate books and reading.

Each year across Australia, the Children’s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together celebrating CBCA Book Week. During this time it is a chance to celebrate Australian children’s literature. Our annual Book Week parade is on Monday 19th August along with a weeklong Scholastic Dino-mite Book Fair.

Our Year 5 Literacy Leaders launched a new initiative, the Golden Boneo Buck. Asa and Milli shared the following:

‘We love reading and over the next few weeks we will share with you some of our favourite books and would love to hear what your favourite books are. Today we are here to introduce a new GOLDEN BONEO BUCK. The Golden Boneo Buck will be awarded by your teacher every Friday to the student in your class who has demonstrated excellent home reading habits for that week. For example, a student who consistently reads every night at home, fills in their diary and remembers to bring in their satchel or diary every day. 

The special Golden Boneo Buck will then be placed into the Boneo Buck box and if it is drawn out at Assembly, that student will get to choose a brand new book from Mrs Whitworth to keep. 

We would also like to remind you that the Book Fair and Book week will be coming up in the next few weeks. So start thinking about your dress up for book day on Monday 19th August, as their will be prizes for the best dressed students.

Why is it so important for us to keep reading with our children for as long as possible?

Research has found that shared reading experiences are highly beneficial for young people. Shared reading not only improves all aspects of your child’s literacy but is also valued as a shared social opportunity between parents and children to foster positive attitudes toward reading.

As young people’s attitudes towards reading reflect their experiences of reading at home and at school in childhood and beyond, providing an enjoyable shared reading experience at home can help to turn children into life-long readers. Watch this video about why we should all be reading aloud to children by Rebecca Bellingham. 

Parent Opinion Survey

The annual Parent Opinion Survey for 2019 is now live and we are inviting all families to participate. Please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future management and organisation of our school.

This survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All families will have received the survey link and password via Compass email last Thursday.

The link is open until Sunday 11th August.

Oaks Day Event

A reminder that our first Oaks Day Committee meeting for the 2019 event will be held on Monday 5th August at 9am in the Staffroom.  

We are hoping to welcome some new faces to the team this year. It is a great fundraising event for our school and we are always looking for fresh ideas to keep improving on our Oaks Day function.

If you would like to volunteer to support this event, or have any questions about what is involved, please contact the school office or join us in the staff room for our meeting on Monday.

We look forward to welcoming new members to the Oaks Day team.

Boneo Colour Run

A huge congratulations to Chloe Crossley on being awarded the Boneo highest fundraiser at our Colour Fun Run, raising an outstanding $826.29.

 Prep C was awarded the winning class, raising $2 860.43.  

Thanking our whole school community on an amazing result.

Specialist Tennis Program

We are very fortunate to be able to offer our students an additional opportunity through the Boneo Tennis Club.
The club is sponsoring a Specialist Tennis Program for 12 of our students aged 8 – 10 years with Coach Paul Gibson. This program is designed to prepare players who would be interested in playing competition tennis and will focus on skill development, fitness and match play.
Sessions will be held on a Tuesday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, commencing on Tuesday 6th August through until the end of Term 3.
Please note that parents must be present for these sessions and students will be expected to attend all sessions.
Please register your child’s interest in this program by contacting the school office

Snapshot of Learning this Week

Prep 100th Day Celebration

Hip Hip Horray, it’s the 100th day!

Today the Preps celebrated being at school for 100 days. We dressed up as if we were 100 years old and did a range of activities such as making a tower out of 100 pieces of Lego, writing 100 words, creating a crown as well as much more!

 Thank you to all of the families for helping us celebrate this exciting and very special day.

Human Powered Vehicle Program

This week, the students in the HPV program continued to build their understanding of the vehicles. Students became familiar with the mechanics of their HPV by changing their own rear wheel and beginning to prepare the fibreglass for sanding.

The students practiced maneuvering the vehicles around a small course at school and worked on steering, gearing and braking. It is so exciting to see these vehicles cruising around our school grounds. We can’t wait to take them out to Casey Fields in the coming weeks and really see what they can do on an open track!

Rosebrook Aged Care Visit

This week, Ms Sisson and the Boneo Choir visited the residents of Rosebrook Aged Care. Despite several weeks with no rehearsals, the choir performed beautifully.

The choir were introduced individually and spent some time chatting with the residents before their performance. Kelsey and her mum thoughtfully brought along some daffodils, which the choir members handed out, bringing some sunshine to their audience with both their music and flowers.

We are extremely proud of the choirs’ singing and their commitment to others in their community. Well done.


Oaks Day Committee Meeting

Monday 5th August @ 9am

All welcome

Swimming Program Year 5&6

Commences Tuesday 6th August

Compass consent/payment required by Wednesday 31st July

Cape Schanck Lighthouse Excursion - Year 3 & 4

Friday 9th August

Compass consent/payment required by Wednesday 7th August

Parent Opinion Survey

Link closes Sunday 11th August

Please see Compass notification for further details

Boneo Book Fair

Monday 12th August to Thursday 15th August – see flyer in this newsletter for times

Book Week Event

Monday 19th August – Dress as your favourite book/character

Year 3 Somers Camp

Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd August

Year 4 Angahook Camp

Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th September