Boneo Buzz: 29th May

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We were very excited to welcome staff, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students back onsite. The significant change for our community is that parents and carers are not able to enter the school grounds, unless they have been authorised to do so (e.g. to collect a child from the First Aide room). This is so contradictory to everything we value but necessary to keep our community safe at this time.

Each day, I continue to be proud of our children as they adapt to necessary changes in routine. Our strategy over the coming weeks is to embrace this opportunity to grow children’s resilience. We can’t change that children will face challenges along the way. What we can do is give children the skills to cope because they have the presence of reliable and supportive adults. We can build their resilience

Resilience is being able to bounce back from stress, challenge or adversity. When children are resilient, they are braver, more curious, more adaptable, and more able to extend their reach into the world. The great news is that resilience is something that can be nurtured in all children. 

The majority of our children have coped well and are able to happily walk to class from the oval. Some children may take more time and that is to be expected considering they have been off site for nine weeks. It is so important that the adults in their life support them to not shy away from challenge but develop coping strategies. Please let teachers know if your child needs more assistance with transition. I noticed today that there was a huge improvement, children were happily running across the oval and straight into class. Over the coming weeks, I trust that our community will continue to work together to support our children to develop more independence.

Arrival and Departure for Week 8

I ask all parents to assist us in the following way:

  • Traffic is one way, entering from Boneo Road, beside the tennis court heading to the cricket club, follow the road to exit at Limestone Road. The Shire devised this traffic plan for Boneo Primary School and I need all parents to adhere to this in the interest of everyone’s safety.
  • Next week, Prep students will meet their teachers on the oval, outside the Hall at the gate and walk straight to class.
  • All children in Years 1 and 2 are asked to walk across the oval before school. Teachers will meet students in the classroom. If your child requires extra support in the morning, let us know.
  • Leaders, specialist staff and upper school teachers will be on the oval to encourage students to walk to class.
  • Parents/carers are to maintain a minimum of 1.5m social distance from each other.

Arrival and Departure Week 9

Below is a summary of our staggered start and finish processes when all children return after the long weekend on Tuesday 9th June.


Arrive at families normal drop off points, with parents remaining at cars and students walking straight to their classrooms. School leaders and specialist staff will be outside on duty to support students.

  • 8:35am – 8:45am arrival for families with surnames beginning with A to J
  • 8:45am – 8:55am arrival for families with surnames beginning with K to Z


  • 3:00pm dismissal for students with surnames beginning with A to J
  • 3:15pm dismissal for students with surnames beginning with K to Z

Thanking our Community for their Support

Thank you for your care, effort and time while we have been in a home learning environment. We see and appreciate all the love that has been put in to providing learning opportunities for our children. 

We have appreciated our time together, but it has absolutely reinforced our love of the local community and our friends. We are very excited to see you all on Tuesday! 

We want to thank you all from the bottom of ours hearts for the incredible support you have given our family and all of the kids at Boneo over these unprecedented times. You have gone above and beyond and we feel very lucky to be at such a phenomenal school. This time has shown us even more how dedicated you all are to ensure all the kids achieve their absolute best, we can’t thank you enough for this.

We are very grateful and appreciate all you do.

Backyard Wildlife Photo Competition

A reminder of our Backyard Wildlife Photo competition that was posted in last week’s edition of the Buzz. Please send photo’s via email to Ms Sison.

Thanking Zara for sharing her image of a Praying Mantis she found in her garden.

Mr Cooper’s Challenge

Prep Enrolment 2021

The time is approaching for us to begin offering places for Prep in 2021. To guarantee a place of offer for siblings, we must have your ‘Intention to Enrol’ details registered with the office as soon as possible.

We have a waitlist for families wishing to attend and require confirmation of our sibling and in area numbers before these offers are made.

Please ensure this is actioned before 1st June as we are unable to guarantee late applications.

If you require further assistance regarding our enrolment process, please contact the school office.

Snapshot of Learning this Week

National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime  is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 20th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy.

On Wednesday at 11am all classes enjoyed the story ‘Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas’ presented by Mrs Whitworth.

‘Mason’s World’

There has been some amazing work completed by our students during remote learning.

The Year 2 classes were given a ‘choose your own task’ activity and Mason of 2B created a wonderful ‘Solar System’ presentation.

Excellent work Mason!

‘Boneo Master Chef’ with Sienna

Thank you to Isaac of Year 4 for sharing the images of the delicious cupcakes he prepared following Masterchef Mrs Whitworth!


Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Monday 8th June 

Year 3 to 6 students return to school

Tuesday 9th June

Term 2 Events

All events have been postponed 

and therefore closed on Compass.

Parents will be updated when onsite schooling resumes.

Community News