Boneo Buzz: 29th July
Parents and Carers,
One of the best ways we can involve students in their own learning is to have them conduct and participate in a ‘Student-Led Conference’. This week, we were thrilled to finally host face to face conferences. Student-Led Conference is an authentic way to encourage our students to take responsibility for their own learning actions and decisions following effective feedback from teachers. This process also demonstrated to our students that we positively support their learning and acknowledges the value we place on their views and the respect we have for their opinions. It also clearly demonstrated that, together, we will support their learning and celebrate their achievements. We hope our parents enjoyed this experience with children and gained further insight into their child’s progress.
At assembly this morning, Year 6 reminded our students to take pride in wearing correct school uniform. Please support the children to wear their uniform with pride. In particular, all students with hair below the shoulder need to have it tied up each day. Appropriate footwear is required, either runners, school shoes or rubber soled boots in winter. Please make sure all clothing is labelled.
Today our Prep students celebrated their 100 days of School milestone. They have enjoyed a wonderful day, dressing up and completing activities focused on the number 100.
Snapshot of Learning
Year 5 MAV Maths Games
It was an absolute privilege to compete yesterday at the MAV Maths Games. Our Year 5 teams travelled with Miss Young and Megan to Mentone to compete in the big leagues with private schools and government schools alike, to solve worded problems and participate in trialling new maths games. Students went on a mathematical scavenger hunt around the school, and worked together to find the answers to some pretty tricky problems! Avie, Lelo, Josh, Zain, Noah P, Sienna H, Raph, and Bodhi worked so hard all day and had a fantastic time.
Year 3 Mapping
Students in Year 3 are learning about the structure and language of maps; how to identify features and locations; how to read a map and the purpose of a key.
Children challenged themselves to identify as many features on their map of the sensory garden that wraps around the entrance of the school. To motivate them to achieve, they were given a self assessment scale to aim for;
0-10 good
11-15 very good
16-20 amazing!
21-25 too deadly!
26+ Legends of all things maps and stuff!!!
Year 5 Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Monday 1st August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 29th July
Year 6 RSC Transition Excursion All Year 6 Students
Tuesday 2nd August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 29th July
Year 2 Forces in Action Incursion
Wednesday 3rd August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 1st August
Monash Maker Space - HPV Team
Monday 8th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Wednesday 3rd August
Swim Program - Year 3 & 4
Monday 8th – Friday 12th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 1st August
Moonlit Sanctuary - Prep
Tuesday 9th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 22nd July
Snow Sports Camp
Sunday 14th – Friday 19th August
Swim Program - Year 1 & 2
Monday 15th – Friday 19th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 8th August
Year 3 Cranbourne Gardens Excursion
Tuesday 16th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Tuesday 9th August
School Council Meeting
Tuesday 16th August
Boneo Market
Saturday 20th August
Prep have been rostered for BBQ duty at this market.
Please contact the office if you are available to help.
Swim Program - Prep
Monday 22nd – Friday 26th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 15th August
District Athletics
Wednesday 7th September
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 2nd September