Boneo Buzz: 27th October

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to announce that Kate Atkinson will be joining our administration team as the Office Manager as Amanda Swayn steps into the role as Acting Business Manager while Stella White takes leave to travel around Australia throughout 2024.

Kate has prepared the following introduction: 

I am excited to be taking up this position as Office Manager at Boneo Primary School. Having been a secondary school Health and Physical Education teacher for over 17 years I decided it was time to step away from teaching and try something new. I love the interactions with students and working within a dynamic team and I feel that this position will tick all those boxes. 

I have always loved the community feel that Boneo has, and it is one of the main reasons we chose Boneo for our two sons. Our eldest son loves Boneo and we’re looking forward to our youngest son starting prep at Boneo Primary school next year. 

I can’t wait to get to know everyone and support staff, students, and parents of the Boneo Primary School community. 

School Uniform

We take great pride in nurturing an environment that fosters not only academic growth but also personal development and a sense of belonging. Central to this ethos is the wearing of our school uniform. We would like to emphasise the significance of supporting the wearing of the correct school uniform.

School uniforms are more than just clothing; they are a symbol of unity, pride, and identity. By wearing the school polo and jumper adorned with our school logo, students immediately feel a sense of belonging to the Boneo Primary School community. This shared identity promotes a feeling of unity among students, creating a positive atmosphere within the school.

Uniforms help eliminate distinctions based on clothing and fashion, reducing the pressure on students to keep up with the latest trends. Wearing the school uniform with the logo is an outward display of school spirit and pride. It reminds students of their involvement in something bigger than themselves and encourages them to uphold the values and traditions of our school.

We also kindly request your support in ensuring that your child wears their school hat, especially during outdoor activities. This is essential for their safety and protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Additionally, we encourage students to keep their hair tied up for safety and hygiene reasons. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and support in upholding our school uniform policy.

World Teacher’s Day

Today is World Teacher’s Day. It is a chance to recognise and celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact in our lives. Whether you’re a current student, have children in school, or have been out of school for many years, World Teachers’ Day is a chance to say, ‘thank you’.

We wish to acknowledge the wonderful work of the Boneo teaching team. Their professionalism, commitment and support of our students is to be commended.

Thank you from the Boneo Community.

Oaks Day

We are delighted to welcome back Adam Alexander, Principal of Belle Property Dromana, who will be conducting our live auctions on the day. Adam’s auction expertise is a highlight of the day and always very entertaining.  We thank Adam for volunteering his time and look forward to (fingers crossed) a very successful auction day.

Numbers and dietary requirements have been provided to The National for our Oaks Day event. Please advise the office if you, or a guest, have any dietary restrictions. The venue requires this information immediately to allow for catering.

There are a few tickets remaining. If you would like to attend please contact us ASAP.

The office is full to overflowing with donated items as we head into the final countdown to our Oaks Day fundraiser. Our Boneo and extended community is absolutely amazing. We wish to acknowledge the following businesses for their generous support of our event.


School Fun Run

We’re three weeks out from our School Fun Run! We hope students are working hard towards their fundraising goals!
Currently we have raised $6,300 of our $30,000, so there is a way to go and I hope you’ll keep supporting us! Remember, the money raised will be going towards the outstanding balance of our Ninja Course.
Did you know that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by setting up your student profile online and raising $1 online? Just head over to Once you’ve created your page there are some great things you can do. You can sign up for online fundraising, pick your target prize and even become a fundraising superstar!
If you’re having any trouble setting up your student profile or fundraising online, please get in touch with the Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN.
Thanks for supporting us with your fundraising efforts, we look forward to celebrating with an amazing day!

We have been advised by our uniform supplier, Advanced Promotional Clothing, that due to the ongoing cost increases in all areas of production, they will be regretfully increasing the prices of our uniform items.

Price list effective November 1st (inclusive of GST);

Tee Shirt                              $24.00

Short Sleeve Polo               $28.00

Long Sleeve Polo                $31.00

Hoods (no zip)                     $46.00

Zip Hoods                            $48.00

Sun Hats                              $17.00

Beanies                                $18.00

School Bags                         $61.00

Shorts                                   $25.00




Snapshot of Learning

Year 2 – Sleepover

Should the Year 2’s have a sleepover every term?

Year 2’s absolutely should have a sleepover every term. It will help students be independent, learn camping skills and build relationships.

First of all, it unquestionably helps to become independent. Don’t you want to be independent? It will help us to keep track of our clothes, brush out teeth by ourselves and sleep by myself.

Secondly, we will certainly learn camping skills. Aren’t you excited when you go camping? I can learn to set up my bed by myself. I would be able to organise my own food. I can be able to set up my sleeping bag.

Lastly, we will definitely build relationships with out friends. We can have a talent show so we can show our talents. We could learn to show how well we can eat all together. We will be used to sleeping all together and learn to be away from home. Don’t you want to learn how to sleep away from home?

Year 2’s undoubtedly should have a sleepover every term. It will help us to be independent, learn camping skills and build relationships with friends. Help us please!!!


I strongly agree that year 2’s should have a sleepover every term. It will help learn the skills of camping, being independent and building relationships.

Firstly, you can absolutely learn the skills of camping. That includes setting up tents, learning to sleep away from home and making your delicious food (yum). Don’t you think food is delicious?

Secondly, I think this will surely make you be more independent. When I say independent, I mean remembering to do things like make my bed and packing your own clothes. Don’t you think that would help?

Lastly, you can build a giant relationship with your friends. Like eating with friends. My friends are called Jack and Phoenix. If you want to have lots of fun with your friends you can do a talent show to sing songs like Ghostbusters, but sleeping by yourself can be scary. That’s why you need to be prepared.

All in all, I strongly agree that year 2’s should have a sleepover every term. We need to learn the skills of camping, being independent and build relationships. It would be so much fun!

The Year 2 Sleepover

The Year 2 sleepover was last Friday night. It was the BEST night ever!

I slept next to Darby. We had a party with my glow sticks. My glow stick was orange, Darby’s glow stick was blue and Archie’s glow stick was orange too.

For dinner I had chips, a juice, chicken nuggets and pizza. I sat next to Darby and Thomas at dinner time. Next, we all had an icy pole.

After that we went into the music room for the talent show. I liked Milena, Madi and Amelie’s song.

Finally, it was bedtime. We all brushed our teeth. Then we hoped into bed. My bed was so comfortable! In the morning I ate cereal for breakfast!

I had the BEST time ever!


Prep –  Pevan & Sarah Show

Year 2 – Briars Eco Living Centre

Garden Club


Year 3 Briars Camp

Monday 30th – Tuesday 31st October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 6th October

HPV Casey Fields

Monday 30th October

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Wednesday 25th October

Year 6 Graduation Photography - SchoolPix

Wednesday 1st November

2024 Prep Transition Session

Wednesday 1st November 9am-11am

Curriculum Day

Monday 6th November

Students are not required to attend school.

Melbourne Cup Day

Tuesday 7th November

Public holiday

Rugby Gala Day

Wednesday 8th November

Consent/Payment due on Compass by Friday 3rd November

Oaks Day Fundraiser

Thursday 9th November

See flyer in this edition of the Buzz

Year 1 Wildlife Reptile Incursion

Friday 17th November

School Fun Run

Friday 17th November

HPV Energy Breakthrough Event

Tuesday 21st November – Friday 24th November

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 15th September

Boneo Market

Saturday 18th November

Years 4,5 & 6 are rostered for BBQ duty. Volunteers required for Car Parking duty.

Please contact the office if you are able to assist.

Kinect2Dance Year 5&6

Tuesday 21st November – Monday 18th December

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 20th November

Year 6 Quantum Victoria

Wednesday 22nd November

Consent required on Compass by Monday 20th November

Professional Practice Day- Student Free Day

Monday 27th November

Year 5 - Melbourne Zoo

Wednesday 29th November 

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 20th November

School Dental Van

Week Commencing Monday 4th December

Please return consent forms to school by Friday 8th September

End of Year Celebration Picnic

Tuesday 12th December

Please see flyer in this edition of the Buzz

2024 Step-up Day

Friday 15th December

Boneo Market

Saturday 16th December

Prep & Year 1 are rostered for BBQ duty. Volunteers required for Car Parking duty.

Please contact the office if you are able to assist

Year 6 Graduation Rehearsal

Monday 18th December

Consent required on Compass by Thursday 14th December

Year 6 Graduation

Monday 18th December

Save the Date

Last Day of Term

Wednesday 20th December

Early Dismissal at 1.15pm

Community News