Boneo Buzz: 26th July

Friday 26th July, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thankyou for supporting our gratitude initiative by completing the family gratitude cards.  Drop in to reception and check out our gorgeous Gratitude Tree. I have attached a link to a presentation about Gratitude by Hugh van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project.


We are excited to announce that we have appointed a new Chaplain, Josh Watkins. Josh will join us on Monday and is really looking forward to meeting our community. Josh will be speaking at Monday’s Assembly so feel free to join us and say hello.

Mr Josh Watkins

My name is Josh and I am so looking forward to working within the school and the community.

I am 22 years old and come from a family of 4 with one younger brother. Some of my passions include;
listening to music, playing guitar, spending time with friends and family, riding my motorbike and living life to the fullest. I have a beautiful partner whose name is Sarah and we have been dating for 3 and a half years.

I am involved in a youth group every Friday night and go on all sorts of adventures with young people from Year 7-12. I have a caring heart for young people and want them to reach their full potential and for me to be able to equip them with some skills to help them in their life. I love to play sports and can’t wait to build relationships outside in the yard at lunchtime with all the kids. I will be at the school three days a week from Monday to Wednesday and am looking forward to meeting you all.

Parent Opinion Survey

The annual Parent Opinion Survey for 2019 is now live and we are inviting all families to participate. Please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future management and organisation of our school.

This survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All families will have received the survey link and password via Compass email yesterday.

The link is open until Sunday 11th August.

Gratitude Tree

 Here is a sample of what our community is grateful for.

Oaks Day Event

Our annual Oaks Day event is fast approaching and we are inviting anyone who would like to join the organising committee to attend our first meeting on Monday 5th August. This is a wonderful event connecting the wider community.

The National, in Cape Schanck will again be hosting our event for 2019. A fabulous venue for a day of fashion, food and fillies all while raising significant funds for our school.

If you would like to volunteer to support this event, or have any questions about what is involved, contact the school office or join us in the staff room for our meeting.

We look forward to welcoming new members to the Oaks Day team.

Snapshot of learning this week

Student Led Conferences

 We are so excited by the overwhelming positive feedback following the first round of Student Led Conferences. The process of communicating learning progress of students to parents must involve students in a meaningful way. For a discussion of student work to be relevant, accurate and complete, students need to be meaningfully engaged in the process. Having students lead a conference with parents is a way to maximise their involvement. The involvement of students in the conferencing process promotes three elements essential to improving student performance in school:

  • Relevance; why we are teaching what we are teaching 
  • Responsibility; making the student more responsible for learning
  • Reporting to parents how students are progressing in learning

,Student reflections of the process:

Ella Year 6

‘The Student Led Conferences to me felt a bit intimidating. Since we haven’t done it since Year 4 we had to refresh our thinking and try to remember what it was like to run one. The part of the conference I am proud of would be completing it in the time allocated and not having too much to talk about or too little. One part of the process that challenged me was finishing on time. When rehearsing you had to estimate how long you needed for questions and talking about the work.

Before the conference, I felt a little bit anxious as we hadn’t done it properly before. As we went through the conference, I started to feel less nervous and more comfortable with talking. It is new to the school and will be a great aspect in the future.  A skill I have learned is time management, with the estimation of time and how long each piece should go for. I don’t think I would change anything to do with the conference. I found the experience worthwhile as we are going into high school next year so it was good to do some of speaking as we hadn’t shared learning reflection before.’

Josh Year 6

I felt confident and ready to do my Student Led Conference. I was proud of my data project because I did lots. The thing that challenged me was the time it had to go for. I felt good about showing my work to my parents. I learnt how to do a proper Student Led Conference. I’m not sure what I would change, I would probably not change anything. I found the experience worthwhile because I learnt a lot and so did my parents.’

 Mitch Year 6

 I felt good doing the Conference it was only when you just start that felt tricky but when you start talking it just starts I get fluent. I was proud showing my mum all the work I did on the text ‘Parvana’. The part that challenged me was getting stared. I feel like it is important to share our learning with our parents so they are aware about what we are learning about.  I definitely got better at public speaking and being more confident. I would change it so it was a little bit shorter, I feel that 15 minutes is a bit too long. I feel that it was worthwhile because our parents could see what we were learning about and it was good to be the one telling mum.’

 Our Community Display- Prep

Our Prep students have been studying Community as their integrated topic and have created a wonderful display showcasing their learning.

We thank Jimmy, Olivia and Daisy for sharing this wonderful work.

“We made a community display because we were learning about our community and how we fit into it. There are lots of different kinds of communities like our family, classroom, school. sport and the bigger community. We learned about the people that live in our community and how they help us. After learning about the people, we worked out what we want to be when we grow up. We are proud of our display because we worked really hard and put in a lot of effort.”


Student Conferences

Wednesday 24th & 31st July

(Parent Teacher Interviews) Years 1 to 6 – Bookings open on COMPASS on Monday 24th June.

Melbourne Museum Excursion Year 2

Tuesday 30th July

Compass consent/payment required by Tuesday 30th July.

Rosebrook Choir Excursion

Wednesday 31st July

Please see Compass for event consent

Police in Community Visit - Year 3 & 4

Thursday 1st August

Gen U Special Lunch

Friday 2nd August

Prep 100 Day Celebration

Friday 2nd August

Please see details sent via Compass

Swimming Program Year 5&6

Commences Tuesday 6th August

Compass consent/payment required by Wednesday 31st July

Cape Schanck Lighthouse Excursion - Year 3 & 4

Friday 9th August

Compass consent/payment required by Wednesday 7th August