Boneo Buzz: 24th November
Dear Parents and Carers,
Maryborough Energy Breakthrough 2022 happened over 5 days last week from Wednesday through to Sunday. We had 20 students and their parents attend this outstanding event. It’s an annual event that’s powered by imagination. Since 1991, the Energy Breakthrough has provided opportunities for students, teachers, parents and local industry to work together to design and construct a vehicle, a machine or innovation in technology that will represent an ‘energy breakthrough’. The program is unique in that all teams must compete across three areas of assessment: Design and Construction, Display and Presentation and Trials.
One of our Year 5/6 TREC groups work throughout the year to design, build and test our vehicles within detailed specifications. The program encourages participants to examine and use the latest technology whilst considering its impact on the environment and the way people live locally and globally. It requires a team effort and an across-the-curriculum approach. Our 2 teams took our vehicles to Maryborough for a huge celebration to display and trial them in action. It was certainly action packed. We experienced every conceivable weather condition – sun, wind, rain, lots and lots and lots of mud and throw in some hail and thunder for the drive home. Our staff; Tom, Megan and Marija, along with our 20 students and parents were absolutely outstanding and so resilient. Additionally, a huge thankyou to our sponsors (see attached flyer) for the thousands of dollars’ worth of sponsorship, without your support this experience would not be possible. Once again, our community is just so generous!
Check out our Facebook page if you haven’t already done so, to see some live action on the day.
REMINDER: Students are not required at school tomorrow as it is a Professional Practice Day for staff.
Snapshot of Learning
Boneo HPV
Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) was truly an amazing experience, and it was such a remarkable time that we will always look back on. There were a couple of ups and downs during our 5-day camp, but we had so much fun.
Everyone arrived at Maryborough and set up their tents or swags. We did not do any riding on day 1 or 2 . Instead, we did ‘Design and Construction’ for the bikes, which is telling a judge what we have done to improve the bike. Afterwards, we headed over to Scrutineering, which is where you have 2-3 judges decide if the bikes are safe to ride.
On Friday we competed in two races; the Time Trial, and the Obstacle Course race. Sadly, in the obstacle course race, one of our brave riders, Ruby, crashed really hard, but she got herself up and got back in the bike to finish the race!
The Obstacle Course was a series of tight corners and interferences that we had to dodge. When we were dodging obstacles, another team knocked the bag full of dirt over, so Raph got tricked into going left instead of right. The Flying Saints team sped past her, and somehow she exited the area by going through two cones.
The Time Trial was an extremely close race, full of quick changeovers, different gears, and fast pedalling. It wasn’t until the last 10 seconds when Lizzy and her opponent sped around the corner neck and neck, and her opponent had overtaken her by a mere 30 centimeters. The 8-hour endurance race was on Saturday, but as the weather was playing up, it was shortened to three hours. When Maisie was riding, she saw lots of Human-Powered Vehicles in front of her bumping into each other. She got nervous and tried her best to avoid them.
We all had a blast. Maryborough was so much fun, and we all loved it. We all thank our families and teachers for coming and making it possible.
Ruby, Raphaela, Maisie
Assistant Principal for the Day
I loved being Assistant Principal for the day on Monday. All l expected was to visit classes and hand out stickers, but l also got to spend time with the Preps.
My experience of Assistant Principal for the day was everything l wanted and more. – Scarlett, Year 3
Professional Practice Day - Students not required at school
Friday 25th November
Year 5/6 Kinect2Dance
Commences Monday 28th November
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Sunday 27th November
Year 1 Cranbourne Gardens Excursion
Thursday 1st December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 25th November
Year 6 Quantum Victoria
Friday 2nd December
Consent required on Compass by Monday 28th November
Choir Performance Village Glen
Friday 2nd December
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Thursday 1st December
Dental Van Visit
Week Commencing 5th December
Christmas Celebration Picnic
Wednesday 7th December
See flyer in this edition of the Buzz
Year 6 Graduation
Monday 12th December
Year 6 to Year 7 Statewide Transition Day
Tuesday 13th December
Step Up Day
Friday 16th December
Boneo Community Market
Saturday 17th December
Volunteers required for BBQ & Car Parking. Please contact the office if you are available to assist.
Last Day of Term
Tuesday 20th December
Early Dismissal at 1.15pm
2023 School Year Starts
Monday 30th January
All Year levels commence on this day