Boneo Buzz: 23rd April


 Dear Parents and Carers,

Our first assembly for Term 2 was a wonderful opportunity to have our annual Grandparent Day and commemorate Anzac Day. Our national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand ANZAC Day commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. Following assembly, grandparents and special friends attended classrooms and enjoyed delicious scones, jam and cream generously made by Kath Bowtell, grandmother of James Evans. A huge thank you Kath, for always supporting this special event for our community. Kath was assisted by Ellen Evans, Cathy Dika and Bec Robertson to jam and cream the delicious scones. The morning was such a wonderful success.

VicRoads Speed Changes

VicRoads reached out to share that there will be upcoming speed limit changes along Boneo Road from 100km/h down to 80km/h from the Brown’s Road intersection in Boneo, through to Cook Street in Flinders.

Enrolment 2022

We have received many inquiries for 2022 enrolment following our school tours last term.

Please ensure you have completed an ‘Intention to Enrol’ form at the office if you have a Prep student starting next year.  We would also encourage you to share this information with friends and family if you know they are interested in enrolling at our school. 

All applications will be processed and places offered in Week 9 of this term. We are unable to guarantee placement for late applications.

Snapshot of Learning

Grandparent’s Day


Year 2 Scienceworks Excursion

Tuesday 27th April

Payment/Consent due on Compass by 22/4


Mother's Day Stall

Thursday 6th May

Helpers on the day required. Please contact the office if you are available to assist.

House Cross Country - All Year Levels

Friday 7th May

More details to follow via Compass

Year 6 Scienceworks Excursion

Wednesday 12th May

Payment/Consent due on Compass by 7/5


Boneo Market

Saturday 15th May

Year 3 have been allocated for Car Parking duty. Please contact the office if you are available to assist.


Community News