Boneo Buzz: 22nd October

Dear Parents and Carers,

With a happy heart, we welcomed back Prep, Years 1 and 2 and Years 5 and 6 onsite this week. They have been missed and I know our children have relished the opportunity to share stories with their friends and teachers. We can’t wait to welcome Years 3 and 4 students onsite next Tuesday and Wednesday. As we transition, please reach out if you require any additional support for your child/ren.

Please take note of the following requirements:

  • Remote learning will continue for all other days for those students that are not onsite
  • Onsite supervision will continue for children of Authorised Workers, as per the Term 3 guidelines.

On-site learning protocols and guidelines for students:

  • Students are expected to be in full uniform, including having school hats when outdoors. Hats can be purchased at the Office.
  • Ensure all students bring their books and devices when onsite. Staff need to check and give feedback on the learning completed.
  • Face masks are required for students in Years 3 – 6, only when indoors on school premises, unless an exemption applies. Parents are asked to provide a letter of exemption. Please make sure students have their own masks.
  • As per Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton masks are ‘strongly recommended’ but not mandated for children in Prep to Year 2.
  • Students who are unwell must remain at home. It is an expectation that if a student is exhibiting any symptoms of being unwell, parents will keep the child at home. Parents or carers of children at school who are unwell will be contacted and asked to collect their child as soon as possible. Students should not return to school until they are well and symptom-free.

School Review

Our Review begins, Monday 25th October, Tuesday 26th October, Wednesday 27th October and Friday 29th October. The Review Panel will conduct the Review virtually. Thank you to our wonderful parents who have volunteered to meet with the panel on Tuesday at 2:30pm via WebEx. All students and parents who are involved in chatting with the panel are asked to wear their school uniform if they are meeting remotely. We will distribute the meeting link via email and Compass. Our panel members are:

  • DET have appointed Mr Robert (Bob) Stephens as our Reviewer. Bob Stephens’ service to education in Victoria spans 49 years. He has held a range of positions, including as a classroom teacher, school principal, Assistant Regional Director, Deputy Regional Director, including some time as Acting Regional Director in the Department of Education. Mrs Leonie King, our Senior Education Leader Improvement Leader
  • Challenge Partners – Ms Lisa Holt Principal Rosebud Secondary College and Ms Melissa Wisniewski Principal Bentons Junior College
  • Kym Curtis Boneo School Council President
  • Anita Presti and Tom Pollett Boneo Learning Specialists
  • Fiona Campanella Learning Enhancement/English Leader
  • Marija Panza Assistant Principal
  • Mandy Whitworth Principal

Parent Wellbeing Information Session

This week, Mrs Dalgleish hosted a Wellbeing session for all students in Years 4 to 6 and we would like to invite our parents to join us online next Tuesday for an adult version.

For the past two years, we have lived through a time unlike any other. There have been so many obstacles for us to negotiate, one of the hardest being the lack of social connection.

As humans, social connection is one of our primary needs. We need to connect with others in order to thrive. However, after communicating online for such a long time, being with people in person can feel overwhelming.

One person who has amazing advice and strategies to help us through these tricky times is Ben Crowe. He has helped Ash Barty, Dylan Alcott, the Richmond Football Club and many other people to find confidence and happiness and go on to enjoy great success.

Zoom with Mrs Dalgleish on Tuesday 26th October at 7:00pm to chat about Ben Crowe and his strategies to help us to feel excited and confident about getting back to regular life. A Zoom link will be shared with you on Monday.

Communication re 2022 Family Plans

To assist with planning for next year, it is important that you please let the school know as soon as possible if your family is relocating for 2022. We are currently beginning our work around staffing and classes for next year and will require firm student numbers.

Snapshot of Learning

Assembly Week 4


Melbourne Cup Day -Public Holiday

Tuesday 2nd November


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