Boneo Buzz: 22nd July
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thanks to all families who have taken the opportunity to book their Student Led Conference for next week. Conferences will be held on Tuesday 26th July and Wednesday 27th July. Please take the opportunity to make a booking if you have not already done so. You will need to complete a booking via Compass with each of your child/ren’s teachers. The children are very excited to share their learning with you.
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
On Tuesday evening, School Council discussed the Expression of Interest applications to provide our new Out of School Hours Care Program. Thank you to over 100 families who completed the survey. We are excited to announce that in 2023, we will be offering Before and After School Care along with a full exciting Vacation Care Program. Over the coming term we will be finalising contracts with an independent provider. As soon as the details are finalised these will be shared with our community.
Boneo School Beanies
A Boneo logo school beanie is available for purchase through our uniform supplier, Advanced Promotional Clothing. If your child is wearing a beanie to school over the winter months, the school beanie is preferred. We also have a small quantity available for purchase through the school office. The beanies sell for $17.

Snapshot of Learning
Prep ‘Maths in Action’
After being inspired by a recent whole school PD with Michael Ymer, the Prep team applied some of his work through a rich learning task. This allowed the Prep students to demonstrate measurement and addition skills in an authentic way. You can see their problem solving in action below.

Year 3 SAKG ‘Winter Vegetable Stone Soup’
Students in Year 3 harvested sliverbeet, oregano, celery and a potato from the school vegetable patch to add to their batch of ‘Winter Vegetable Stone Soup’. The children loved hearing the fable of Stone Soup and working collaboratively to produce a communal dinner. Each child had a hand in preparation of their selected vegetable, harvesting herbs and veggies from the garden, to stirring the pot. Initially the soup was described as ‘crunchy’, however after simmering for a further hour students enjoyed the “delicious” soup. Thanks again to the parent helpers- your support is appreciated and valuable.

District Sports Events

School Council Meeting
Tuesday 19th July
Snow Sports Camp Information Session
Monday 25th July @ 5pm
This session will be held in the STEM Room
Student Led Conferences
Tuesday 26th – Wednesday 27th July
Bookings now open on Compass
Prep - 100 Days of School Celebration
Friday 29th July
Year 5 Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Monday 1st August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 29th July
Year 6 RSC Transition Excursion
Tuesday 2nd August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 29th July
Year 2 Forces in Action Incursion
Wednesday 3rd August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 1st August
Swim Program - Year 3 & 4
Monday 8th – Friday 12th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 1st August
Moonlit Sanctuary - Prep
Tuesday 9th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 22nd July
Swim Program - Year 1 & 2
Monday 15th – Friday 19th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Monday 8th August
Year 3 Cranbourne Gardens Excursion
Tuesday 16th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Tuesday 9th August
School Council Meeting
Tuesday 16th august
Community News