Boneo Buzz: 21st August

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The generosity of educators, authors, artists, businesses, parents and all manner of other unexpected sources, currently sharing their time and ideas via social media, is phenomenal… yet can be overwhelming. One can drown in the ocean of views on wellbeing, health, remote learning, examples of schedules, suggested activities, tools and platforms, ways of staying connected, tips for being mindful, advice for checking in with children and neighbours, etc. It is important to start by recognising how incredibly fortunate we are.

  • How many children around the world experience interruption to schooling due to disease, natural disaster or war?
  • How many have access to an education at all?
  • Of those that do, how many are lucky enough to have ready access to the resources that we do?
  • Do we understand that in remote communities, this might be the way learning always looks? Do we appreciate the technology, books, materials, time, space and people to whom which we have access?
  • Do we acknowledge the collective wisdom and generosity of others with more experience than we have, readily sharing their ideas and expertise with us?

In Victoria, emotions may be heightened and interactions fraught as individuals struggle with their particular anxieties and uncertainties. It’s a time for empathy, for pausing to remember that everyone’s reality is different and, for many, stories they don’t choose to share might be impacting their very way of being. We need to be mindful of this.

So, our stance, will be to see this as an opportunity rather than a challenge. We will approach the coming weeks, as an inquiry, an extension of our 2020 focus on-

Staying awkward, brave and kind in 2020!

We will continue to expand our whole school inquiry into building community and a sense of belonging into the new and unfamiliar territory in which we find ourselves.  

We do have so much to be grateful for!

Student Led Conferences

Our mission is to cultivate engaged learners and to teach the kinds of strategies learners need and create opportunities for students to use them. At Boneo we purposefully promote reflection, self-questioning, problem solving and decision making.

Over the next two weeks we will support students to share their learning through Student Led Conferences.

Parents are asked to book a 20-minute timeslot for each child via Compass. 

Wednesday 26th August​ – 4:20-6:00pm ​

Friday 28th August ​ – 9-12:30pm ​

Wednesday 2nd September ​- 12-2pm 

​Friday 4th September ​- 9-12:30pm ​

Please call the Office if you have any difficulty.

Free Webinar for Parents and Carers 

‘Managing the Coronacoaster’

On Tuesday 25th August, the Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, on building family resilience during coronavirus (COVID-19).

Parents and carers play a vital role in helping children feel safe through uncertain times.

Dr Carr-Gregg’s webinar is aptly named Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era.

In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning.

Topics include:

  • your supportive role
  • setting the emotional tone
  • focusing on what you can control
  • how to deal with disappointment
  • further resources and where to get help.

Dr Carr-Gregg’s presentation will run for 45 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in which parents and carers can ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions.

When: Tuesday 25 August

Time: 7:30pm

Format: online via Webex

How to register: To register and for more information visit the Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era eventbrite page.

2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 are currently being reviewed by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

As part of the 2020 review, an extensive community consultation process is currently underway to seek feedback about whether the standards are effective or if any improvements can be made.

Current, former and prospective students with disability, their families and carers, advocates, educators, and other members of the public are invited to share their experiences, views and ideas to inform the review of the standards.

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, engagement activities will mostly be held online via a dedicated 2020 review Consultation Hub.

The hub offers a range of different ways that participants can share their views and ideas, and will be open until 11.59pm on Friday 25 September.

A series of webinars is also available for interested participants to share their experiences and opinions.

The webinars will be fully accessible, and will include Auslan translation and captioning. The webinars are open to the public, and each will have a different theme.

These are:

Educators webinar on Wednesday 19 August, 3.30-5.30pm

Tertiary education webinar on Thursday 20 August, 3-5pm

Early childhood webinar on Thursday 27 August, 4.30-6pm.


For more information about the upcoming webinars visit the frequently asked questions page.

A discussion paper has been developed with guiding questions to help interested participants have their say.

For more information email

For more information on how to get involved contact the Social Deck via:

Snapshot of Learning this Week

Science Week

‘Olivia has been working on a diorama for the Science Week activity.

Olivia has watched online drawing tutorials to help create an underwater scene and has drawn on the work she has done in class earlier this year on the Leafy Sea Dragon.

She had a great time painting all of the parts of the scene, experimenting with mixing colours and techniques, to create different effects.

This was a really great project to work on with Olivia and she was able to lead the way with the information that she had sourced at school.’ – Olivia 1A

Baylen wanted to share his Science Week activity, he chose to do Activity 3 and make a game.

He named his game ‘Have a Whale of a Time’. It is a board game, using marine animals as player game pieces, you move around the board with a dice. He designed the Chance Cards which help inform players if they are being responsible when fishing.

Planning stage was a family discussion, Kai helped trial the game.’ – Baylen 3C

Prep Celebrates 100 Days of School


Webinar - 'Managing the Coronacoaster'

Tuesday 25th August 

Details in this edition of the Boneo Buzz

Student Led Conferences

Wednesday 26th & Friday 28th August 

Wednesday 2nd September

Please see details on Compass and in this edition of the Buzz

2021 Prep Parent Information Session

Tuesday 8th September 

Please see details emailed to parents 19th August

Community News