Boneo Buzz: 20th May


Dear Parents and Carers,

This year, Education Week runs from 22nd –28th May. The theme, ‘150 Years of Public Education’ commemorates the past, celebrates the present and imagines the future of education in Victoria.

Education Week is an opportunity for our school to highlight our education journey. This year, our school is 149 years old.

We will be celebrating Education Week by inviting our parents and special friends to ‘Share the Joy of Learning’ open morning on Wednesday 25th May. Children are excited to share their writing from 9am until 10am.

Additionally, the children have organised a school disco on Friday 27th May in the Hall.

  • 5pm to 6pm Prep to Year 2
  • 6pm to 7pm Years 3 to 6

Cost is $5 to be paid to the school by Thursday 26th May.

Rapid Antigen Test Update

There have been changes to the provision of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) in our school for the remainder of Term 2. RATs will continue to be distributed to you as they have been throughout this school year for the remainder of this term.

However, from Monday 23 May 2022, students will no longer be recommended to undertake twice weekly RATs in mainstream schools.

  • RATs will continue to be required by students who are household contacts to attend school (5 negative tests over a 7-day period) or who have symptoms.

The ongoing supply of RATs to families in our school will ensure that parents and carers will have them should they need them if:

  • their child is a household contact,
  • has symptoms or
  • if there is an outbreak in the year level.

Families must continue to notify the Department of Health and the school if their child returns a positive RAT result. Additionally, you should inform us if any of your children are household contacts.

Thank you also to all families who have had their children vaccinated. If you have any questions about the vaccines, I encourage you to speak to your GP or a health practitioner.

Thank you again for your ongoing cooperation and support.

Instrumental Music

 Dear Parents and Students,

My name is Gareth and I am so excited to be providing Guitar lessons at Boneo Primary school starting next Thursday 26th of May.

I’ve been a professional musician for most of my life, playing all over Victoria and interstate first picking up the guitar at 11 years old and also teaching the next generation of musicians for over 10 years.

Our lessons take place during the day, a weekly 30-minute lesson with everything you need to start or continue your musical journey included with your enrolment. 

If you would like to know more about lessons or have any questions or queries you can follow this link –

or you can email me directly –

Snapshot of Learning



Boneo Market

Saturday 21st May

Year 3 have been rostered for the BBQ. Please contact the office if you are able to assist.

School Council Meeting

Tuesday 24th May

Share the Joy of Learning Open Morning

Wednesday 25th May

Further details to follow via Compass

District Cross Country

Wednesday 25th May

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 20th May

Year 1 Peninsula Gymnastics

Thursday 26th May

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Tuesday 24th May

School Disco

Friday 27th May

Please see details in this edition of the Buzz.

Payment due to the office by 26/05/22

Year 3 Briars Camp

Thursday 2nd to Friday 3rd June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Sunday 15th May

Year 5 Sovereign Hill

Thursday 2nd June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 27th May

JSC Pyjama Fundraiser Day

Tuesday 7th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 3rd June

District Boys Netball/Girls Football

Wednesday 8th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 3rd June

DET Professional Practice Day

Friday 10th June

Students not required at school

Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Monday 13th June

Southern Peninsula Music Camp

Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by Thursday 12th May

Winter Lightning Prems

Wednesday 22nd  June

Consent/Payment required on Compass by  Friday 17th June

Curriculum Day

Friday 24th June

Student Free Day

Community News