Boneo Buzz: 20th March
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we potentially head into a period of distance learning, I wanted to share some thoughts that I have been mulling over to keep our students safe online. We are so lucky to have the resources and digital capacity to continue to provide learning opportunities through this challenging time. Our staff have been relentless in their endeavours to plan and prepare for distance learning.
This, however, highlights the importance of a strong family/school partnership and the need to set some boundaries, particularly around screen time and use.
As a result, I wanted to clearly spell out our guidelines so that we are in sync at school and at home:
- Set up a student workstation or learning space that is in a public area of the house so that an adult is supervising your child’s technology use.
- During the ‘virtual’ school day from 9a.m. – 3.15p.m, please remember that the School’s Technology Guidelines apply.
- We ask that your child/children do not engage in any Social Media apps, including but not exclusive to: TiKTok, Facetime, Snapchat, Instagram, House Party If your child has any of these apps on a device, I trust that you will delete these as per our School’s expectations and the recommendations of cyber safety expert, Susan McLean.
- If students have any questions about tasks, please contact the teacher via Compass. Students are not to set up ‘Group Chats’ or use any other social media chat platforms throughout the ‘virtual’ school day. There will be, however, a daily situation where our educators set up an online forum through Zoom to provide a collaborative experience for the students where they can appropriately discuss learning, led by the teacher.
- Your child is not expected to be ‘on-line’ from 9a.m. – 3.15p.m. If the children are online for more than 30 mins at a time, please ask to see what they are doing. Children should be having a screen break after every 30 mins or so.
- Whilst students will need to access Compass or OneNote for task instructions, many tasks will be completed ‘off-line’.
Five families indicated that they had limited online acces. Please contact me and I will organise alternative support for you.
I appreciate that navigating the world of online learning from home with children, while juggling work and other commitments will be challenging for us all. I thank you wholeheartedly for your continued support.
Prep Enrolment 2021
In 2021, we intend to offer two Prep classes and ask all current families who intend to enrol a child in Prep, to contact the office in the coming week to secure an enrolment. On Wednesday, over 30 families toured but I would like to ensure current families are prioritised.
Boneo Community Market
As shared with our school community on Tuesday, the Boneo Community Market has been cancelled for this Saturday 21st March.
Project Green Schools
Rosebud Plaza have partnered with local primary schools, to create a greener future for the Rosebud and surrounding communities, launching Project: Green Schools.
The pragmatic program will grow on school’s current sustainability goals, enabling students to interact and understand their local environment and how they fit into the bigger picture, doing their bit.
Commencing Monday 9 March 2020, ’Project: Green Schools’ will be introduced across 18 participating Charter Hall shopping centres, including Rosebud Plaza.
Shoppers simply spend $20 in specialty stores or $60 at Coles, Target and Kmart to receive a biodegradable token with a QR code. Shoppers scan the QR code on their token and follow the below steps to vote for their favourite school to win the main prize – a sustainable garden pack.
Rosebud Plaza will work in partnership with the winning school to ensure the prize pack supports the schools existing sustainable goals.
Hannah Kuhlmann, Marketing Manager at Rosebud Plaza said, “We want to work with school’s existing sustainability programs to allow children to be curious and think about how they can change simple things in their daily routines to be make a positive environmental impact. We also want to add value to their learning by exposing children to innovative Chatbot technology to automate the entry process. This enables us to implement an eco-friendly solution to printing, with the biodegradable token paper provided for shoppers to scan, earn points for their school and then be compostable.”
To further educate children on the importance of recycling, they will be encouraged to dispose of the biodegradable token at their school’s compost bin located in-centre outside Target. To ensure an end to end sustainable campaign, all products at the in-centre display, will be repurposed by donating to the runner-up school in the campaign. Each participating school will be rewarded with their compost bin to provide the school with the chance to further educate kids on composting.
For further information visit
Snapshot of Learning this Week
Year 6 Camp Review by Ruby
If you like long walks and beautiful beaches well you should definitely go to Wilsons Prom, it has everything that you could possibly want at a camping ground. Most importantly it is kid friendly. There are beautiful places that you can go to, such as Tidal River, Squeaky Beach, Norman Beach and beautiful night walking tracks. That place is a place to make many memories just like I did.
Squeaky Beach
When you go to Squeaky Beach the walk there is unforgettable. The walk is so beautiful and rocky but you’ve got to look out for snakes, but it is all worth it. The water is crystal clear and as aqua as you could ever imagine. The sand on the beach is so squeaky.
Tidal River
When you go to Tidal River, it is beautiful. It’s like T2 the tea, so it is really good for the animals. But be extremely careful, it gets deep really quickly, but there is lots of rocks that you can jump off and cut yourself on. The water is perfect even though the colour is brown.
Overall the journey to Wilson’s Prom was a great experience. I had lots of fun and there was lots of adventures.
I give Wilson’s Prom a 5/5 because it’s a perfect place to go on holidays with your family. It’s very adventurous and you always see cute little wombats.
Learning with Year 1
Throughout this term, the Year 1 students have been exploring the question ‘How the choices we make affect ourselves and others?’
This week the students were busy designing a catchy slogan and image to transfer on to a T-shirt.
On Thursday, the students wore their T-shirts to school to promote friendship, kindness, forgiveness, being respectful and having a positive mind-set.
Well done Year 1’s on spreading this very special message around Boneo.
Boneo Market CANCELLED
Saturday 21st March
Hawkes Farm Excursion 1A & 1B
Monday 23rd March
Hawkes Farm Excursion 1C
Tuesday 24th March
Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 24th March
Bookings are now open on Compass.
Please see instructions posted to Parents via Compass. These will now be conducted via phone.
Last Day of Term
Friday 27th March
Early Dismissal 2.15pm
Curriculum Day - POSTPONED
Tuesday 14th April
Students Resume for Term 2
Tuesday 14th April