Boneo Buzz: 1st April
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a wonderful start to our 2021 school year! Whilst we were thrown a ‘curve ball’ with a three-day circuit breaker lockdown our school has had a truly productive, successful and connected Term 1.
Last week, as I toured prospective families around our school I was asked what makes Boneo such a sought-after school on the Peninsula. Easy answer, we are a small community school with wonderful students, staff and exceptionally supportive parents.
During my class visits, I have observed and experienced the rich classroom cultures that maximise our teaching and learning programs across the school. I commend our students for engaging positively to enjoy their learning each day. Our staff members, teachers and support staff, work tirelessly to ensure that our school is a caring environment where our children feel safe and look forward to coming to school.
Boneo’s sense of community is further consolidated by our wonderful parents and community members who support our gorgeous school in so many ways. Your efforts to attend; Share Assembly, the Family Food and Fun Night and our inaugural Boneo Golf Day is truly appreciated. Our inaugural Golf Day was an outstanding success. Connectedness and supportive relationships are at the core of being human. We collectively create the foundations for a productive and successful community.
I hope you will be able to enjoy a break together as a family for some or all of the upcoming holiday. This is a time I always look forward to because it brings us together with family and friends. Have a safe Easter and enjoy some chocolate.
Staffing updates
I share with you some bitter sweet news that Minna Heiskari has accepted an ES position at Mt Erin Secondary College. Minna leaves us with mixed emotions but we know that this move will make such a difference to managing her family. Minna has been an outstanding member of our staff and we wish her all the very best in her new role.
Today we celebrated the pending wedding of Ms Michaela Downward this coming Monday. Due to COVID, Milan and Michaela have had 3 cancellations – so fourth time lucky is our new mantra. Michaela will be known as Mrs Greco on her return in Term 2.
Grounds Transformation
I am excited to announce that our ‘Space for playing and learning’ is nearing completion. We are expecting the works to be finalised in the first 2 weeks of next Term 2. Our undercover basketball court will begin next term now that architects have been appointed. I expect to meet with the architects in April. This is so exciting for our community.
Intention to Enrol
If you have a child starting Prep in 2022, please come to the office to complete an ‘Intention to Enrol’ form.
It is vital that we have an accurate count of the number of siblings commencing next year to ensure we remain within our enrolment cap.
Here is the link to the form if you wish to download a copy;
Please complete this process prior to the end of Term 1.
Boneo Golf Day – Community Engagement
Last Friday, saw the inaugural Boneo Golf Day Championship take place at Bayview Golf Course in Rosebud.
This event was a huge success, bringing together families and members of the extended community, to socialise and raise funds for our school. With the support of so many local businesses, and with the help of Adam Hayes, everyone who came along was able to enjoy an awesome afternoon in the sun, playing some great (and not so great golf) and the post game festivities. There were prizes galore and our Auction, run by Adam Alexander, raised further funds for our school. We are very pleased to announce that we achieved our goal, raising $4586 to purchase a new trailer for our water safety equipment.
Congratulations to our inaugural winners; Clint Johansson, Jay Callow, Luke Davern and Justin Heap.
To everyone that helped put on the day and everyone who turned out to support our school – thankyou!

Snapshot of Learning
Boneo Athletics Carnival
A huge thank you to School Councillor, Jo Twentyman and her father Barry, for organising our special ‘Sausage Sizzle lunch’ on Wednesday. Barry did an amazing job cooking over 300 sausages for our Boneo athletes.

Peninsula Gymanastics – 1B

Last Day of Term 1
Thursday 1st April
Early dismissal at 2.15pm
ANZAC Service Assembly
Friday 23rd April – 9am
Boneo Market
Saturday 17th April
We require volunteers to assist with car parking. Please contact the office if you are available.
School Resumes for Term 2
Monday 19th April
Prep Gymanstics Excursion
Thursday 22nd April
Payment/Consent due on Compass by 20/4
Year 2 Scienceworks Excursion
Tuesday 27th April
Payment/Consent due on Compass by 22/4
Year 6 Scienceworks Excursion
Wednesday 12th May
Payment/Consent due on Compass by 7/5
Community News