Boneo Buzz: 17th June
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are always working to refine our current processes to keep our community engaged in student learning. We currently share student progress through:
- Mandated Semester 1 (June) and 2 (December) student reports
- Parent/Teacher Information Meeting in Term 1. The practice of parent/teacher interviews is one that provides the parent community with an excellent opportunity to engage with staff and discuss first hand their child’s progress and needs and an opportunity to celebrate their successes.
- Student Led Conferences in Term 3.
- Reading Continuous Reporting via Learning Tasks on Compass
This semester, the Year 3 and Year 5 teams have trialed including the Compass ‘Learning Task’ for Writing in student reports. Parents will notice that within the report, the writing comment will sit separately from the general comments.
Continuous reporting refers to our teachers providing timely and targeted feedback following student assessment via Learning Tasks on Compass. At School Council this week, we discussed the success of timely reading assessment feedback and intend to expand continuous reporting next semester to include, Writing, Mathematics and Spelling. The main benefit we perceive in continuous reporting is the timely manner in which parents are informed of their child’s achievement. It is often seen as ‘too late’ at the end-of-semester for a parent to be formally notified of how their child has progressed.
The Semester 2 report will now be a summary of all the learning tasks that you receive throughout Terms 3 and 4. This will ensure you receive comments around learning that clearly state the areas where your child’s current level of achievement is and what goals they are working towards.
The Learning Tasks strengthen the partnership between home and school by ensuring parents are provided with immediate and continual feedback throughout the year. We are so excited to be offering this.
Special Lunch – Thursday 23rd June -Last day of Term 2 with normal dismissal time of 3:30pm
Curriculum Day – Friday 24th June
Snapshot of Learning
Fraction Pizzas – 1B

Music Camp – Team Boneo ‘Spics & Specs’ Champions

Boneo Market
Saturday 18th June
Year 2 have been rostered for BBQ duty at this market.
Please contact the office if you are available to help.
Prep Community Dress-up Day
Monday 20th June
Winter Lightning Prems
Wednesday 22nd June
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 17th June
Special Lunch Day
Thursday 23rd June
All orders must be received by
Monday 20th June
Curriculum Day
Friday 24th June
Student Free Day
School Returns for Term 3
Monday 11th July
Swim Program - Year 5 & 6
Monday 18th – Friday 20th July
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 15th July
Student Led Conferences
Tuesday 26th – Wednesday 27th July
Further details to follow via Compass
Moonlit Sanctuary - Prep
Tuesday 9th August
Consent/Payment required on Compass by Friday 22nd July
Community News