Boneo Buzz: 16th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 3. While the pandemic continues to challenge us, we will need to adapt and manage through the changes. I want to thank our community in advance as we transition back to Remote and Flexible Learning. I am concerned to note that one quarter of our students did not engage in learning today. I understand that the snap nature of these lockdowns is extremely hard to manage but I am imploring you to support us to ensure that all children participate in online learning unless they are ill. Remote and Flexible learning is unfortunately our new normal for at least the rest of the year. Please help us to continue to connect with your child/ren as this is fundamental to wellbeing in these uncertain times.

School Review in Term 4

The Department of Education (DET) conducts reviews of schools every four years. This rigorous process is conducted by the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the evaluation is completed with support from a DET appointed external Reviewer. The school review supports each school to differentiate its improvement journey by building on current strengths and assisting it to respond to challenges. It emphasises continuous improvement and affirms that every student, no matter their background or circumstances, has a right to learn in a school committed to improvement. The premise is that every school can improve.

The review:

  • welcomes school community participation in the review
  • embraces the input of experts from both within and beyond the school
  • forges links between evidence, school review, and strategic and annual planning
  • seeks multiple perspectives, engagement with the whole school community and openness to challenge for improvement
  • celebrates strengths and achievements.

For us, the result of this will be the development of our 2022 – 2025 School Strategic Plan (SSP). Throughout this term, we will be focussing on the Pre-Review Self-Evaluation (PRSE) which requires staff, students and families to reflect on the three questions that sit at the heart of effective self-evaluation:

  • How well are we doing?
  • How do we know?
  • How can we improve things further?

We will invite parents to participate in this process as the term progresses. I will be sharing more about this in a special information session hosted on Tuesday 17th August at 2:15pm. So please come along to find out more. As part of the process, School Council is busy updating our policies and these can be found on our website.

Get Active Kids Program

Does your child love sport and being active? Does your family have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card? You may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost of your child’s participation in physical activities. The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities.

Under the program, children may be eligible to receive up to $200 to help with the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms, and equipment.

Special consideration also applies for children named on their own Australian Government Health Care Card or residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students.

Applications for vouchers in round two of the program close at 5pm Friday 30th July. For eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the Get Active Victoria website.

Student Led Conference

Due to the snap lockdown the Student Led Conferences scheduled for Tuesday 20th July will be transferred to Tuesday 27th of July with the exception of 4C who will conduct their make-up Conferences on Thursday 29th July. Your booking will be transferred for you. Conferences booked for Wednesday 28th July will continue as scheduled.

Snapshot of Learning

Sensory Garden 

Our students were very excited this week to finally have access to our new Sensory Garden. There have been many playtime adventures, following the winding paths, cubbies built with the new construction materials, lots of water play at the pump and an opportunity for some quiet time in the many hiding places. It is a wonderful addition to our school and the students are very keen to continue their exploration of this amazing learning space. 

Swimming Program at YAWA

Year 3 and 4 have this week completed an intensive swimming program at the newly opened YAWA Aquatic Centre. Our students were extremely impressed with this amazing new facility and were very enthusiastic to attend their daily sessions. A very big thank you to our staff and parent helpers for their coordination and support of this program.

Our Prep and Year 1 students will have their opportunity to attend in Week 5. 


Sovereign Hill Year 5

Our Year 5 students had a wonderful time at Sovereign Hill this week. They will be sharing their experience in next week’s Buzz. Here is a sneak peek at their big day out.


Boneo Market

Saturday 17th July

Cancelled due to Lockdown restrictions


Student Led Conferences - All Students

Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th July (& 4C 29th July)

Please book via Compass


Term 3 Curriculum Day

Friday 23rd July

Student Free Day


Boneo House Olympics

Friday 30th July

More details to follow via Compass

Aladdin Matinee Performance - All Students

Tuesday 3rd August

Consent/payment due on Compass by 01/08

Prep & Year 1 - Swimming Program

Monday 9th – Friday 13th August

Consent/payment due on Compass by 06/08

Community News