Boneo Buzz: 15th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following recent announcements, the general mood is one of impending celebration and relief: the anticipation of reclaimed lives, the longed-for normalcy for our children. But for some of us, a quiet unease ripples through the excitement, when we hear the growing positive cases and potential vulnerability of our young people. With the staggered return next week to onsite learning for Preps (Monday to Wednesday) and Years 1 and 2 (Thursday and Friday) comes excitement and, perhaps, some nervousness. We have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the health and safety of students, staff and families.

A critical aspect of the return to on-site learning will be a strict enforcement of physical distancing requirements for adults at the start and finish of the school day.

Please note the following health and safety measures for next week (Week 3):

  • No visitors onsite
  • Parents are asked to not congregate at drop off or pick up times.
  • Please follow ‘kiss and go’ procedures Monday morning for all students in other year levels who are eligible to be onsite. You are now not required to sign in your child/ren.
  • Masks are recommended by the Department of Health and Training for students in Prep to Year 2 but not compulsory. Masks are compulsory for students in Years 3 to 6. Schools have not been issued with a supply of masks so please ensure your child comes with their own.
  • Outdoor learning will occur where appropriate. Masks for children will not be necessary when outdoors.
  • Please ensure that your child has their own personal sunscreen, hand sanitiser and a wide brimmed hat as per our SunSmart Policy. These are essential for working and playing outside.
  • Increased ventilation measures, including open windows and doors, will be adopted.
  • Please make sure that your child has adequate clothing as the weather is variable at the moment (layers are best) and that all items are named.

PREP return onsite Monday

  • On Monday, staff will be on the basketball court and oval boundary to collect Preps at 8:45am.
  • Where possible, remain in your car for pick up in the afternoon and let your child/ren know where you will meet them.
  • Use the same drop off and pick up points you used prior to lockdown. Let your child know where you will meet them.

Year 1 and 2 return onsite Thursday

  • On Thursday, staff will be on the basketball court and oval boundary to collect students at 8:45am.
  • Where possible, remain in your car for pick up in the afternoon and let your child/ren know where you will meet them.
  • Use the same drop off and pick up points you used prior to lockdown. Let your child know where you will meet them.

I understand that things may be confusing over the next few weeks and am incredibly empathetic to families who may have children at school at different times. I ask for your patience and consideration as we work through the ‘ins and outs’ of the complicated staggered onsite schedule. Our goal is to transition our children and staff back to school smoothly, knowing that there will be a few bumps along the way, whilst being vigilant about our COVID plan to keep our community as safe as possible. Please let me know if any member of your family comes into contact with a positive case. Unfortunately, this is our new normal and we need to feel safe to report any contact in order to protect our community. Thank you so much for your support in this endeavour.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you want to chat, have some ideas or would like further clarification of our plans – Just a reminder that it is important to let us know if you have any concerns about the return to school.

Snapshot of Learning

Year 1


Melbourne Cup Day -Public Holiday

Tuesday 2nd November


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