Boneo Buzz: 13th August
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we work together to deliver our Flexible and Remote Learning Program I am reassured and filled with joy as I witness the strength of our school community. Our short online Year 1 Assembly today captures the essence of our culture. Year 1 students share their understanding of adjectives in the most engaging delightful way.
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents, caregivers and guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Survey is open until Friday 3rd September.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
Results of the survey are reported to the community through annual reporting and also through our School Council. Please follow the instructions distributed via Compass and let us know your thoughts.
For many of us, a quick transition to working from home didn’t leave much time or mental space for planning new routines. This rapid shift in reality alone has been a lot for our minds and bodies to process. Combined with the overwhelming economic impact, caring for family, and the global health consequences, extreme fatigue and burnout are natural responses to this crisis.
The following links will take you to outstanding Headspace PDF documents that are worth reading as we embark on another week of lockdown:
Headspace – Tips to get back into Life
Boneo Primary School is fortunate enough to be in the initial DET roll out of TIER 2 funding. We intend to use this funding to engage the services of a Speech Pathologist, Psychologist and Speech Therapist. We have also increased the teaching allocation of our Learning Enhancement teacher Ms Fiona Campanella to ensure our students receive more targeted tuition. This week, we welcomed Grace our newly appointed ES Speech Therapist.
Hi my name is Grace McRae.
I have lived on the Peninsula most of my life. I attended primary school at Our Lady of Fatima and then went to high school at Padua College. I have always been involved in local sporting clubs, particularly the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association where I played both my juniors and seniors.
After I completed high school, I received a basketball scholarship to Eastern Illinois University in the USA. I have spent the past four years in America where I completed a Bachelor Degree in Communication, Disorders and Sciences. This degree enabled me to start my pathway to becoming a qualified Speech Pathologist. I was able to work with some well-known and experienced faculty members while also getting hands on experience at the school’s speech pathology clinic. While completing my degree, I also competed in the Division 1 College Basketball competition. I’m looking forward to joining the staff at Boneo Primary School. I have always enjoyed working with children and helping them learn and succeed.

Snapshot of Learning
Year 2 – Olympic Research Task
This week, the Year 2 students have been busy developing their researching skills. Each student chose an Olympic athlete to research. They thoroughly enjoyed sharing their facts with their classmates and teachers on zoom.

Remote Learning

Parent Opinion Survey
Friday 30th July to Sunday 22nd August
Please see Compass post to access the survey
Prep & Year 1 - Swimming Program
Monday 9th – Friday 13th August
Postponed due to restrictions
School Review Parent Information Session
Tuesday 17th August
2.15pm via Zoom
Year 3 - Somers Camp
Wednesday 18th – Friday 20th August
Cancelled due to restrictions
Boneo Market
Saturday 21st August
Prep & Year 1 have been allocated to car parking duty. Please contact the office if you are available to assist.
Year 4 - Angahook Camp
Wednesday 15th – Friday 17th September
Consent/payment required on Compass by 31st August.
Community News