Boneo Buzz: 12th June
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I want to acknowledge the hard work, understanding and commitment of parents and carers during a challenging time for our community. Having all of the Boneo family back onsite was magnificent. We appreciate your efforts to remain at your vehicles at drop off and pick up to ensure our community follows the Health Department social distancing guidelines.
Additionally, I would like to acknowledge again the extraordinary professionalism and care each staff member has brought to their role over the past few weeks. I have always been an advocate of our staff; rarely has a body of staff better showcased their professional and pastoral qualities and skills under such challenging conditions. Our hard working teachers are currently busy finalising student reports. Thank you to all who have written to them and to me with positive feedback and constructive advice.
We have also included in this edition of the Boneo Buzz an important letter from Jenny Atta, Secretary Department of Education and Training, for all parents and carers.
Arrival and Departure Update
Due to your fabulous efforts, we will revert back to our normal schedule with all children arriving to school before 8:40 for an 8:45 start and dismissal at 3:15pm. It is so important for all children to be early to school, this gives them a chance to say hello to friends before their formal learning begins.
Semester 1 Reports
The Department of Education and Training has adjusted the expectations of Student Reports for Semester 1 in recognition of the transition to remote and flexible learning during Term 2.
Our school has continued to deliver quality teaching and learning programs and monitor the achievement of each student. Whilst DET advised schools that they could delete the 5-point scaling due to COVID interruptions to learning we have chosen to include teacher judgements and a five-point scale.
At Boneo Primary School, we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This process includes providing reports on student learning. Reports will be accessed on Thursday 25th June via Compass. In Term 3, parents will be invited to attend Student-Led Conferences where students, parents and teachers can discuss student learning together.
We will provide Semester 1 written reports on the following areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Inquiry
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
Student reports for Semester 1 2020 will include:
- a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum covered
- comments regarding student learning achievement
- a future learning focus
Backyard Wildlife Photo Competition
Snapshot of Learning this Week
Inquiry Unit of Study with Year 1
At school, on Tuesday the Year 1 students had the opportunity to obverse and touch some marine specimens from the Dolphin Research Institute in Hastings. The specimens included a cuttlefish bone with dolphin teeth marks, Port Jackson shark eggs, sponges, an abalone shell and a stingray pup.
A big thank you to Jodi Neary for organising an informative and engaging experience for the Year 1 students, which linked strongly to their Inquiry Unit, ‘Our choices affect our environment and the living organisms within it.’
Term 2 Events
All events have been postponed
and therefore closed on Compass.
Parents will be updated when onsite schooling resumes.