Boneo Buzz: 10th September
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we head into our last week of Term 3, thank you once again, for all your support throughout this time. We acknowledge the incredible partnership between our Boneo families and our gorgeous school. We were so excited to share some love this week, creating and delivering special packages to bring joy. Over the coming days we will finish the delivery of over 230 gifts.

We were thrilled last night to have so many families join us for Kahoot Family Trivia. I was thrilled to see families huddled together, kids in their pjs ready for some family fun. Laughter and joy the order of the night.
Early in the event, it was a tight battle between the Caldwell and Greenaway families, with the final results:
1st Caldwell Family
2nd Mr Pollett
3rd Lieberman Family
4th Brady Bunchers
5th Dika Family
A huge thank you to Mr Miller for organising this wonderful event.
Resilient Youth
We are all currently navigating one of our most challenging times in recent memory due to the global pandemic. The impact this is having on our young people, their caregivers, and educator’s wellbeing and mental health is significant. We recently reached 200 days of lockdown here in Melbourne and, rather than lamenting this occurrence, please find some practical resources and ideas for families, children and adolescents to promote connection, fun and play whilst under the restrictions of lockdown. Resilient Youth Australia, Kind Schools, Playmeo and Monash University’s educational and mental health professionals have generously donated the content for this Resilient Youth Lockdown Resources page (see the link below). Please share it within your networks and with anyone you think may benefit. Thank you for everything you do to support our young people.
‘Dear Mrs Whitworth,
We had two unexpected angels (Amanda and Stella) drive by our house and drop off the most wonderful bag of goodies. Raphaela greeted Amanda at the front gate who looked at her, offered her a bag and said “something special just for you!”
The excitement on Raph’s face was priceless…, She comes back into the house, (cue the tears)…looks at me and says ‘I’ll be OK Mum!’
Last nights Trivia Night was so so so much fun. It was brilliant to see the big turn out and to see all those gorgeous little faces.’
To the wonderful staff at Boneo Primary…..
We came home today to find a delightful package hanging on our front door.

Snapshot of Learning
Student Work Samples

Footy Day
Thursday 16th September
Dress in your team colours and join in the football games
Final Day of Term 3
Friday 17th September
Term 4 Commences
Monday 4th October
Curriculum Day
Monday 1st November
Student Free Day
Melbourne Cup Day -Public Holiday
Tuesday 2nd November
Community News