Boneo Buzz: 10th May

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to shop and then re-shop for their special Mum or person in their life. A huge thankyou to the following parents for giving of their time to assist our savvy shoppers; Orlaith Grace, Katie Reid, Linda Ragonesi Jessop, Martha Rand and Narelle Hollway. Some of our mums had every child in the family buy chocolate so we trust you will enjoy your chocolate feast – assuming it made its way home. We hope you enjoy a special day on Sunday.

Mandy’s Farewell Assembly

Come and join us as we celebrate Mandy’s retirement on Friday 17 May at 9am. 

Snow Sports Camp

Our annual Snow Sports Camp to Mt Buller for students in Years 4 to 6 and their parents is scheduled for Sunday 25th August until Friday 30th August. It is a fabulous opportunity to experience the snow at a very cost-effective price of $1300 per head.

The following is included in the price:

Please contact the Office to secure a place for your child or family members to attend. We need to lock in numbers by Friday 17th May.



Jump Rope For Heart

We’re skipping through the term!

Jump Rope for Heart is well underway and it’s great to see so many children out in the playground skipping with smiles on their faces. Boneo Primary School has already raised $913 so far.

It’s not long until our Jump Off Day on Friday 31st May 2024 so encourage your student to keep on practicing those tricks! 

Please encourage all students to ask their families to sign up using the link below. This has been sent out on Compass and via the Buzz as well.

P.S. Don’t forget our skipping goal of 40 hours! Currently, we’ve completed 9. Only 31 to go!

Snapshot of Learning

District Cross Country

Mother’s Day/Special Person Afternoon

This week the Preps invited their mothers or a special person into the classroom to celebrate Mother’s Day. Our special people were treated to an indulgent afternoon of pampering. 

Kitchen and Garden Program

There’s been lots of activity getting the old summer crops out, collecting as much seed as possible for next spring , wheelbarrowing compost , and getting all those winter crops in ! Broccoli , snow peas , broadbeans, lettuce , spinach beetroot to name a few. 


Yr 5 Sovereign Hill Big Day Out

Tuesday 14th May

All year 5 students

Consent and payment due by Tuesday 7th May

Boneo Community Market

Saturday 18th May

Car parking and BBQ volunteers required

Please contact the Office if you can help

Year 2 Willum Warrain Indigenous Centre

Friday 24th May

All Year 2 students

Consent and payment due by Wednesday 22nd May

Yr 1 Moonlit Sanctuary Excursion

Tuesday 28th May

All year 1 students

Consent and payment due by Monday 27th May

HPV Casey Fields Training

Tuesday 4th June

Yr 5 & 6 HPV students

Consent and payment due by Friday 31st May

Boys District Netball/Girls District Football

Wednesday 5th June

Yr 5 & 6 students

Consent and payment due by Friday 31st May

Southern Peninsula Music Camp

Wednesday 19th – Friday 21st June

Consent and payment due by Sunday 9th June

Community News