Boneo Buzz: 10th March
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is difficult to believe that we are more than half way through Term 1. As I visit classrooms, it is fantastic to see our students engaged and active in their learning. Parents and carers will have an opportunity to find out more about their child/ren’s learning at our Parent Teacher Interviews later in the term. Parents/Carers will need to complete a booking via Compass with each of your child/ren’s teachers. Bookings will open via Compass on Tuesday 14th March. These sessions are also a valuable opportunity to build the home-school partnership and for teachers to both receive and share information about the children in their class.
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
Next week, the year three and five students will begin NAPLAN. They will complete writing, reading, conventions of language, and numeracy tasks over the next two weeks. In 2023 all of the sessions will be conducted online except the grade three writing which will be done on paper. If a student misses a session due to illness or injury there will be an opportunity for them to complete a ‘catch up’ session within the 2-week NAPLAN time period.
The results of the tests provide diagnostic information for parents and teachers about a child’s performance in Literacy and Numeracy. This information can be used to support teaching and learning programs and improve student achievement.
NAPLAN reports will be sent out later in the year. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The report will also show how your child performed in relation to national minimum standards.
If you have any concerns about your Year 3 or Year 5 child completing NAPLAN in 2023, please contact me as soon as possible.
Carpark Reminder
A reminder that the Disability Car Parking Section in the School Car Park near the Tennis Courts is designed for those who have a Disabled Sticker on their car. Please do not park in these spots unless you have the correct sticker.
Celebrating 150 years of Boneo Primary School
This year, Boneo Primary School proudly celebrates its 150th! Staff have already started working on putting together a wonderful celebration for this amazing milestone. More information will be shared soon.
Rock Your Socks / Lots of Socks – World Down Syndrome Day
Join in with us to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and advocate for the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of people with Down Syndrome on 21st March by wearing colourful socks.
If you would like to find out more, you can visit this website:
Lucky Jars – thank you
Thank you to all of our families who brought in Lucky Jars this week to support our Family, Food & Fun Night. They are filled with wonderful goodies and I am positive they will be in high demand on the night. Our next Lucky Jar collection day will be on Friday 24th March where students will again be invited to wear free dress (not school uniform), in exchange for donating a Lucky Jar.
Golf Day Fundraiser
Preparation and planning for our Golf Day Fundraiser has been well underway, but we have not been able at this stage to reach our goal of 12 teams. As a school we understand the number of commitments families have at the moment, including our Family, Food & Fun Night next week, and have made the decision to postpone the Golf Day to Term 4 with the date to be confirmed. Thank you to all of our players and sponsors for supporting this event. I am sure it will be a huge success later in the year.
Public Holiday – Monday 13 March
I wish everyone a lovely long weekend as we celebrate Labour Day on Monday. School resumes on Tuesday, March 14.
Respectful Relationships
A great relationship is about appreciating similarities and respecting differences. Respect yourself, respect others and be responsible for what you say and do!
Below are some ideas from the Respectful Relationships program that may support your child/ren to develop a love for learning and school and help settle the uneasy feeling some may be experiencing:
- Talk to your child about how their day went and encourage them to focus on positive things
- Communicate with your child’s teacher and notify them if you have any questions or concerns
- Have your child develop a routine to help ensure they are ready for school each day
- Ensure your child is getting adequate sleep at night
- Support your child to eat a good breakfast each morning so they can function in class
- Provide them with adequate and healthy food for both lunches as well as a water bottle
- Provide them with opportunities to see your interest in reading and learning new things
- Support your child to learn how to ask for help, ask to play, resolve an issue with a friend; role playing is a great way to do this
- Closely monitor their use of ICT and model and teach online etiquettes
- Encourage and support your child to communicate issues that may arise by communicating with their teacher or support them to know how to resolve issues independently.
Assistance for Eligible Families
Conveyance Allowance
The conveyance allowance is a contribution towards the costs of transporting children to and from school.
Please contact the school office to confirm your eligibility and collect an application form, or download from the link below.
An application on behalf of a student may be submitted if the student is:
- a Victorian resident;
- school aged and enrolled (3) three or more days per week at a school; and
- attending a school/campus located outside the Melbourne metropolitan conveyance boundary
A student who meets the above requirements may be eligible if they:
- attend their nearest or designated neighbourhood government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, and
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the campus attended
- whose nearest school is not serviced by a free school bus provided under the School Bus Program
Snapshot of Learning
Fairy Tale STEM
This week in Year 2 we began an engineering unit on changing the ending of a fairy tales. We read the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and built a bridge to protect the goats from the troll.
Maths in Year 5
Kinect2Dance - Prep to Year 4
Monday 27th February – Monday 3rd April
Consent due on Compass by Wednesday 22nd February
Labour Day Public Holiday
Monday 13th March
Boneo Community Market
Saturday 18th March
Year 4 have been allocated BBQ duty for this market.
Please contact the office to volunteer.
School Council AGM
Tuesday 21st March
Rock Your Socks
Tuesday 21st March
Wear your colorful socks in support of DownSyndrome
Year 6 Wilsons Prom Camp
Tuesday 21st – Friday 24th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Tuesday 14th March
Family Food & Fun Night
Friday 24th March
See event flyer in this edition of the Buzz
Lucky Jar Day
Friday 24th March
Students are invited to wear free dress and donate a lucky jar for the FF&FN
Year 6A Beach Day
Monday 27th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Wednesday 22nd March
2024 Prep Information Sessions
Tuesday 28th March – 9am & 5pm
Please register your attendance with the school office
Year 6B Beach Day
Tuesday 28th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Wednesday 22nd March
Prep Enchanted Adventure Garden
Tuesday 28th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Monday 20th March
Year 5A Beach Day
Wednesday 29th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Wednesday 22nd March
Year 5B Beach Day
Thursday 30th March
Consent/Payment due on Compass by Wednesday 22nd March
Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th April
Bookings will open via Compass on Tuesday 14th March
Boneo House Athletics Event
Wednesday 5th – Thursday 6th April
Last Day of Term
Thursday 6th April
Early dismissal at 2.15pm