Boneo Buzz: 10th February
Dear Parents and Carers,
Your child’s 2023 program.
Home and school partnerships are so important. We want you to know what is planned to engage your child in learning. Our teachers have created short videos to outline their curriculum and expectations for the year. You will receive the link today so please take some time to view these and see where you can support learning.
Sexuality Education
The Department’s Respectful Relationships Program supports schools to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.
As a Lead School in the Department’s Respectful Relationships program, staff work hard at ensuring our students are provided with a quality wellbeing program from Prep to Year 6.
Alongside the Respectful Relationships program, it is compulsory for schools to deliver sexuality and consent education. Sexuality and consent education is an essential component of the Victorian Curriculum.
To support best practice, teachers will deliver the learning via a well-established sexuality education program developed by Sexual Health Educator, Vanessa Hamilton, called ‘Talking the Talk’. This program has been developed in accordance with DET guidelines and is age appropriate.
For parents/carers to have an opportunity to find out more about this program, we have organised an online parent information session on the 20th of February at 8pm. Please check your Compass notifications and register to attend this session.
Vanessa provided comprehensive training for our staff on Wednesday evening. Once parents have attended the information session, staff will inform parents of their intended lessons through the Preview to Learning post each week.
Assistance for Eligible Families

Conveyance Allowance
The conveyance allowance is a contribution towards the costs of transporting children to and from school.
Please contact the school office to confirm your eligibility and collect an application form, or download from the link below.
An application on behalf of a student may be submitted if the student is:
- a Victorian resident;
- school aged and enrolled (3) three or more days per week at a school; and
- attending a school/campus located outside the Melbourne metropolitan conveyance boundary
A student who meets the above requirements may be eligible if they:
- attend their nearest or designated neighbourhood government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, and
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the campus attended
- whose nearest school is not serviced by a free school bus provided under the School Bus Program

Snapshot of Learning
My Heart Map – Prep
What is love? What are the things that you love the most? If we could see inside your heart, what would we find there?
These are some of the questions that have sparked a wonderful insight into our Prep student’s hearts as they settle into their new routines at school.
Our teachers at Boneo build trusting, respectful relationships with each of their students each year, and this piece of learning captures the beginning of understanding what makes each and every student unique.

This Week in STEM
This week the Grade 4s, 5s and 6s have been using paper engineering skills to make their name in 3D. The challenge was to use folds, cuts, and joins so the letters stand up on their own.
Check out some of our 3D names!

School Pix Photography Day
Tuesday 14th February
Order forms and details sent home with students on the first day of school
Boneo Community Market
Saturday 18th Ferbruary
Year 5 & 6 have been allocated BBQ duty for this market.
Please contact the office to volunteer.
House Swimming Carnival - Years 3 -6
Monday 20th February
Payment/Consent due on Compass by Wednesday 15th February
'Talking the Talk' Parent Session
Monday 20th February
Online via Zoom – Bookings Essential
Please see details posted via Compass News Feed 31/03/2023
School Council Meeting
Tuesday 21st February
Quantum Victoria - Year 4
Tuesday 22nd February
Consent due on Compass by Friday 17th February
'Discover the Superhero in Me' Incursion - Year 1 & 2
Thursday 23rd February
Payment/Consent due on Compass by Monday 20th February
Share the Joy of Math Games
Friday 24th February
More information to follow via Compass
Curriculum Day - Student Free Day
Friday 10th March
Community News