Boneo Buzz: 31st May

Boneo Buzz: 31st May Dear Parents and Carers, It was wonderful to see our school community embracing the Torres Strait Islander tradition of ‘Floral Friday’ today. Students and staff wore floral clothing and accessories to promote communication, culture and inclusion...

Boneo Buzz: 24th May

Boneo Buzz: 24th May Dear Parents and Carers, As I step into the role of Acting Principal here at Boneo Primary School, I am filled with excitement and gratitude for the warm welcome and support I’ve received from students, parents, staff, and the broader...

Boneo Buzz: 17th May

Boneo Buzz: 17th May Dear Boneo Primary School Community, As I write this final newsletter as your Principal, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and pride. After 40 years in education, the last 6 years at Boneo Primary School have truly been the pinnacle...

Boneo Buzz: 10th May

Boneo Buzz: 10th May Dear Parents and Carers, The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to shop and then re-shop for their special Mum or person in their life. A huge thankyou to the following parents for giving of their time to assist our savvy shoppers;...

Boneo Buzz: 3rd May

Boneo Buzz: 3rd May Dear Parents and Carers, Congratulations to David Greening on his outstanding Athletics achievements. Over the break, David competed in the National Master Championships and won a silver medal in high jump and triple jump, along with bronze in 60m...