Boneo Buzz: 26th March

Boneo Buzz: 26th March

Boneo Buzz: 26th March Dear Parents and Carers, It is hard to believe that we are heading into our final week of Term 1. Staff welcomed the opportunity to meet and share student progress at Parent Teacher interviews this week. Parent-teacher interviews give you a...
Boneo Buzz: 19th March

Boneo Buzz: 19th March

Boneo Buzz: 19th March “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller Family Food and Fun Night $14,842 Profit What a total! Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you to those who were able to come along and celebrate the start of 2021 at our...
Boneo Buzz: 5th March

Boneo Buzz: 5th March

Boneo Buzz: 5th March  Dear Parents and Carers, It was so exciting to have over 100 parents join us yesterday for ‘Share the Joy of Learning’. We intend to host similar opportunities each term. Save these dates: Family Food and Fun Night this coming Friday 12th March...